EDITOR’S NOTE: Source material for the Codified Ordinances of Perrysville was either ordinances or resolutions enacted by Council, or new matter ordained by the Adopting Ordinance. Sections of the Codified Ordinances without any history indicate that such sections contain new matter ordained by the Adopting Ordinance. In the following table, the disposition of all source material in the Perrysville Codified Ordinances is indicated.
Ord.No   Date   C.O.Section
569    10-1-62    733.01 to 733.04, 733.99
571    12-3-63    1307.01 to 1307.06
580    7-12-65    909.01 to 909.07, 909.99
653   12-5-77   929.01 to 929.08, 933.01 to 933.04, 937.01, 941.01 to 941.04, 941.99
681    1-2-81    925.01
691    4-4-83    925.02
697    8-6-84    1335.01 to 1335.06, 1335.99
714    1-9-89    139.01
715    3-13-89    521.11 to 521.14
717    7-10-89    1103.01, 1103.02, 1105.01, 1107.01 to 1107.03, 1111.01 to 1111.03, 1113.01 to 1113.03, 1117.01 to 1117.07, 1117.10 to 1117.17, 1123.01 to 1123.12, 1125.01 to 1125.06, 1125.08 to 1125.25, 1127.01 to 1127.13, 1129.01, 1129.02
749    6-1-92    905.01 to 905.09
753    12-1-92    133.01
755    12-1-92    921.05
785    4-3-95    131.01
790    11-6-95    143.01 to 143.03
809    8-4-97    505.08
810    10-6-97    337.31
811    10-6-97    1101.01, 1109.01 to 1109.03, 1117.08, 1117.09, 1117.18, 1117.19, 1125.07
813    1-5-98    1119.01 to 1119.05, 1119.99
829    9-13-99    733.04
832    2-7-00    1117.08
836    2-5-01    921.04
839    10-1-01    1321.01 to 1321.06
840    10-1-01    1117.13
847    4-7-03    125.01
850    6-2-03    509.10
851    4-5-03    303.12, 501.13
852    12-1-03    1343.01 to 1343.05, 1343.99
855    4-5-04    185.01 to 185.19
857    12-28-04    1101.01
863    4-4-05    925.01(c)
868    11-6-06    127.01, 127.02
874    10-1-07    921.03
876    1-23-08    921.01, 921.02
877    4-7-08    521.15
879   7-7-08   921.02
882    10-6-08   509.08, 509.09
Adopting Ordinance    101.01 to 101.08, 101.99, 301.01 to 301.52, 303.01 to 303.11, 303.99, 305.01 to 305.05, 311.01 to 311.03, 313.01 to 313.11, 331.01 to 331.43, 333.01 to 333.10, 335.01 to 335.14, 337.01 to 337.30, 339.01 to 339.11, 341.01 to 341.06, 351.01 to 351.13, 371.01 to 371.12, 373.01 to 373.11, 375.01 to 375.08, 501.01 to 501.12, 501.99, 505.01 to 505.14, 505.99, 509.01 to 509.07, 509.99, 513.01 to 513.14, 517.01 to 517.14, 517.99, 521.01 to 521.10, 525.01 to 525.17, 529.01 to 529.08, 533.01 to 533.13, 537.01 to 537.18, 541.01 to 541.10, 545.01 to 545.20, 549.01 to 549.11, 553.01 to 553.05, 1307.99, 1501.01 to 1501.12, 1501.99, 1511.01 to 1511.05, 1511.99, 1519.01 to 1519.05, 1519.99
885   4-6-09   921.02
890   7-6-09   1321.01 to 1321.06
891   9-23-09   921.01
892   11-2-09   521.16
893   11-2-09   505.11
900   5-3-10   921.02
901   5-19-10   921.01
902   9-7-10   1117.18
903   6-7-10   521.15
904   6-7-10   925.03
905   7-5-10   121.01
911   4-18-11   523.01 to 523.07, 523.99
917   10-3-11   509.10
918   10-17-11   127.03
922   1-16-12   921.02
926   7-2-12   521.15(d)
928   9-17-12   1117.18(d)
931   4-1-13   921.02
933   4-1-13   Repeals 131.01
935   11-4-13   127.01
938   3-3-14   733.01 to 733.04, 733.99   
947   12-7-15   185.01 to 185.21, 185.97, 185.98, 185.99
961   12-4-17   921.02
967   1-7-19   921.02
968   11-5-18   1101.01
969   1-7-19   1117.11
971      3-4-19      523.01
972      3-4-19      523.02
973      3-4-19      523.03
974      3-4-19      523.06
975   4-1-19   1101.01, 1117.08, 1123.11
976   5-6-19   127.01(c)
977   6-3-19   2019 Replacement Pages
978   7-1-19   945.01 to 945.09, 945.99
979   8-5-19   739.01
982      11-4-19   127.04
983      11-4-19   September 2019 Replacement Pages
987      12-2-19   1101.01(14.1),
            1117.11, 1117.15,
            1117.20, 1117.21,
            1123.01, 1123.02,
990      3-2-20      1101.01, 1117.11,
            1117.15, 1117.20,
            1117.21, 1123.01,
            1123.02, 1123.11
991      4-20-20   921.02
992      4-20-20   921.01
993      4-20-20   1101.01, 1117.19, 1117.22
996      8-3-20      June 2020
            Replacement Pages
997      10-5-20   921.04
998      11-2-20   1117.23
999      11-2-20   Repeals Ch.
1000      11-2-20   1101.01,
2-2021      4-5-21      521.08
3-2021      5-3-21      351.01, 351.03, 351.14
4-2021      5-3-21      521.04
5-2021      5-3-21      April 2021 Replacement Pages
6-2021      6-7-21      127.04
10-2021   8-2-21   909.09
11-2021   8-2-21   July 2021
      Replacement Pages
13-2021   9-7-21   1111.03, 1111.04
30-2021   10-4-21   143.01(b)
14-2021   11-7-21   October 2021 Replacement Pages
4-2022      4-28-22   April 2022 Replacement Pages
5-2022      6-6-22      343.01 to 343.03, 343.99
6-2022      7-11-22   1109.02
7-2022      7-11-22   1117.24
8-2022      7-11-22   1105.01
9-2022      7-11-22   1101.01, 1117.03
10-2022   7-11-22   1117.06
11-2022   8-2-22      July 2022 Replacement Pages
12-2022   9-12-22   509.10
19-2022   12-5-22   November 2022
      Replacement Pages
1-2023   1-9-23   135.01 to 135.03
3-2023   4-3-23   739.01(d), 921.05
      (b), 925.02(d),
      (e), 925.03(h),
      929.05(a), (b),
      (c), 933.03(a),
      (e), (f)(4)B., (6),
      (8), (7)A., (i), (j),
      933.04(b), (d),
      (d)(3), (4), (e),
            (f), (g), (i), 941.01
5-2023      5-1-23      April 2023 Replacement Pages