General Provisions
90.01 City contribution toward cost of topping certain trees
90.02 Definitions
90.03 Creation and establishment of City Forestry Committee
90.04 Duties and responsibilities
90.05 Review by City Council
90.20 Street tree species to be planted
90.21 Spacing
90.22 Distance from curb and sidewalk
90.23 Distance from street corners and fireplugs
90.24 Utilities
90.25 Public tree care
90.26 Tree topping
90.27 Pruning, corner clearance
90.28 Dead or diseased tree removal on private property
90.29 Removal of stumps
90.30 Interference with City Forestry Committee
90.31 Arborist’s license and bond
90.32 Establishment of shared cost tree planting program
90.33 Individual agreements with property owners
90.99 Penalty