The following list constitutes the official street species for Paxton, Illinois. All tree species on this list shall be native to the State of Illinois. No species other than those included in this list may be planted as street trees without written permission of the City Forestry Committee.
Small Trees (up to 25 feet)
Medium Trees (25 to 50 feet)
Large Trees (50 feet and up)
Small Trees (up to 25 feet)
Medium Trees (25 to 50 feet)
Large Trees (50 feet and up)
Flowering Dogwood
American Yellowwood
Sugar Maple
Downy Serviceberry
Black Tupelo (Black Gum)
Black Maple
Northern Redbud
Common Sassafras
Red Maple
Prairie or Wild Crabapple
Ohio Buckeye
Northern Red Oak
Cockspur Hawthorn
American or Hop Hornbeam
Chinapin Oak
Carolina Silverbell
Pin Oak
Shingle Oak
Scarlet Oak
Black Oak
Bur Oak
White or Swamp White Oak
Common Hackberry
Common Baldcypress
American Elm (Cultivars)
Tulip Tree (Yellow Poplar)
American Linden (Basswood)
American Sweetgum
(Ord. 89-16, passed 6-12-89; Am. Ord. 21-6, passed 4-13-21)