(a) Each resolution shall, before its introduction, be reduced to writing and, when adopted, shall be signed by the presiding officer and attested by the Recorder, who shall then date and number it and file it in his or her office in a book for that purpose which shall be known as the “Record of Resolutions”.
(b) Resolutions and portions of resolutions which are repealed or amended by subsequent resolutions or ordinances shall be noted and initialed in the margin thereof by the Recorder so regarding, show the date and number of the repealing or amendatory ordinance or resolution, but shall not be removed from the Record of Resolutions.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to behave in a boisterous or disorderly manner at any meeting of the City Council or any committee thereof, or to cause a disturbance thereat, whether by force, shouting, or other words or action tending to disrupt such meeting, or to fail or refuse to obey any ruling or order of the officer presiding at such meeting relative to the orderly procedure thereof.
(b) Boisterous or disorderly behavior within the purview of division (A) above shall include, but is not limited to, any of the following acts:
(1) Contemptuous or insolent behavior towards the presiding officer or any member of the City Council or committee of the Council, or its clerk, sergeant at arms, or any other officer, while the Council or committee is in session;
(2) Any breach of the peace, willful disturbance, or indecent conduct in the presence of such Council or committee while so engaged, or so near regarding obstruct or interrupt its proceedings;
(3) Violence or threats of violence to any member of such Council or committee or any officer, witness, or party going to, attending, or returning from, any Council or committee proceeding in respect to anything done or to be done in the course of such proceeding; and
(4) Willful resistance to any lawful order of the presiding officer or sergeant at arms at any such meeting.
(c) The presiding officer of the City Council or of any committee of the City Council shall have plenary power to order that the Council Chamber and adjacent areas be cleared, or any part thereof, or any person or persons ejected from the Council Chamber or adjacent areas, in the event of disorderly conduct or disturbance which does or tends to interrupt or disrupt the orderly conduct of business by the Council or its committee.