(a)   At each meeting of the City Council, the roll shall be called and members shall be recorded in the journal as present or absent. The subsequent proceedings at any regular meeting shall then be as specified in the order below, except as may be provided otherwise under the rules of the Council:
      (1)   Call to order;
      (2)   Call of roll;
      (3)   Approval of agenda;
      (4)   Special guests;
      (5)   Public comments;
      (6)   Reading and approval of minutes;
      (7)   Financial items;
      (8)   Employee and committee reports;
      (9)   Unfinished business;
      (10)   New business;
      (11)   Good of the order;
      (12)   Correspondence; and
      (13)   Adjournment.
   (b)   Rules and regulations on conducting City Council meetings are on file in the City Administrator’s office.