Every person who operates or wishes to operate a pool or billiard hall shall make application, in writing, for a license for the operation thereof to the Clerk together with his statement, under oath, showing the location of the hall and the number of pool or billiard tables to be placed therein. Such application for license and such statement shall be investigated by the Mayor and the Chief of Police, who shall make a report thereof at the next regular meeting of the Council and at that time make recommendation upon such application. If the Council grants permission to such person to open or run such billiard or pool hall, a license shall be issued by the Clerk upon payment of the license fee. (1959 Code §5-702; 1990 Code)
Before a license shall be issued to any person to operate or open a billiard or pool hall, said person shall pay to the Clerk a license fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per year for each pool or billiard table. Said license shall expire on the last day of the calendar year. (Ord. 285, 6-13-67; 1990 Code)
The license herein granted shall be a personal license to the person making application therefor, and if, during the term for which said license is granted, the said billiard or pool hall be sold or transferred to any other person, the license shall immediately terminate; provided, however, the successor of such license may secure a license as hereinabove provided in the same manner as the original licensee without being required to pay any additional charge for the unexpired term of the original license. (1959 Code §5-704; 1990 Code)