A. Regular Meetings: The City Council shall hold regular meetings in the City Hall on the second Tuesday of each month at six o'clock (6:00) P.M. (Ord. 588, 11-12-2018, amd. Ord. 605, 2-11-2020, Ord. 608, 10-13-2020)
B. Special Meetings: Special meetings of the City Council may be called by one-half (1/2) plus one of the members of the full Council. (Ord. 337, 8-27-1974; amd. 1990 Code)
In the event an Office of Councilman shall become vacant, through death, removal of residence or for any other cause, the Mayor shall appoint, with the approval of a majority of the Council, a resident of the Municipality to fill the unexpired portion of the term to serve until the next general election, at which time the unexpired term shall be filled by regular election. (Ord. 337, 8-27-1974)
Members of the City Council, the legislative and policy making branch of the Municipal government, shall devote as much of their time to the duties of their office as an efficient and faithful discharge thereof may require. They shall attend all meetings of the Council, unless lawfully excused therefrom by the Mayor or by a majority of the remaining members, and perform all duties by which the nature of their office they should reasonably perform, such as the passing of ordinances, resolutions and the investigation and study of work done or to be done for the Municipality according to the committees upon which they may be appointed by the Mayor. (Ord. 337, 8-27-74)