Board of Zoning Appeals
   EDITOR'S NOTE: This chapter was re-enacted in its entirety by Ordinance 167-93, passed August 15, 1994.
1127.01   Purpose.
1127.02   Membership.
1127.03   Meetings; Chairman; Secretary; records.
1127.04   Appeals to the Board generally.
1127.05   Hearings; quorum; voting.
1127.06   Proper notice of hearings.
1127.07   Variance application requirements.
1127.08   Types of variances.
1127.09   Reasons and standards for granting use variances generally.
1127.10   Reasons and standards for granting area variances generally.
1127.11   Specific variations; considerations.
1127.12   Lapse of variances.
1127.13   Procedure upon proposal to vary.
1127.14   Appeals to Common Pleas Court.
   Appeals from zoning decisions - see Ohio R.C. 713.11
   Variance permit fee - see ADM. 185.04(d)