(A) When connection of public water or sewer facilities is proposed, assurance of the availability of the service must be presented to the Planning Commission before approval of the final plan. This assurance may be in the form of a letter, or a statement on the final plan, signed by a responsible officer or authority concerned indicating its ability and willingness to make the service available.
(B) When on-lot sewage disposal facilities are proposed, a satisfactory County Health Department feasibility report from the County Health Officer must be received by the Planning Commission before approval of the final plan, except as follows:
(1) When the subdivision contains no lots under two (2) acres in area;
(2) When on-lot sewage disposal systems are already installed and operating in a satisfactory manner on all lots under two (2) acres in area shown on the plan.
(Ord. passed 11-14-72)
Cross reference:
Water and sewers, see Ch. 33