72.001 Title
72.002 Adoption; amendment; effective date
72.003 Purpose
72.004 Interpretation
72.005 Subdivision control
72.006 Definitions
Division 1. General Provisions
72.100 Introduction
Division 2. Pre-Application Procedure
72.125 Purpose
72.126 Procedure
72.127 Objections shall be expressed
Division 3. Procedure for Conditional Approval of Preliminary Plat
72.150 Preliminary plat required
72.151 State department of highways review
72.152 Conditional approval by Planning Commission
72.153 Preliminary plat; a guide for preparation of final plat
Division 4. Procedure for Approval of Final Plat
72.175 Approval of final plats
72.176 Commission action on plat approval or disapproval
72.177 Offer of dedication may be noted in record plan
72.178 Improvements private until dedicated, condemned, acquired
72.179 Submission in sections
*Cross references:
Utilities, see Ch. 30
Motor vehicle regulation, see Ch. 40
Streets, sidewalks, and other public places, see Ch. 41
Building regulations, see Ch. 70
Flood damage prevention, see Ch. 74
Sediment control, see Ch. 75
Zoning code, see Ch. 80
Landscape buffer regulations, see Ch. 81
Statutory reference:
Power to regulate subdivisions, see KRS Ch. 100
(A) This chapter shall be known, cited, and referred to as the “Bourbon County Subdivision Regulations.”
(B) The City of Paris accepts and adopts for application within the city limits, the Bourbon County Subdivision Regulations prepared by Joseph Kowalski & Associates and recommended by the Bourbon County Joint Planning Commission.
(C) A complete copy of these Subdivision Regulations are on file with the City Building Inspector at the City Hall, for inspection, without charge, by any member of the public.
(D) This chapter shall be effective upon its adoption and publication as required by law.
(Ord. passed 11-14-72)
(A) Before adoption of these subdivision regulations, or any amendment thereto, a public hearing shall be held by the Planning Commission. A public notice of the time and place of the public hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the city and county in accordance with the Kentucky Revised Statutes.
(B) These subdivision regulations shall take effect and be in force immediately upon their adoption and publication of a notice of such adoption.
(Ord. passed 11-14-72)
Cross reference:
Public meetings, see Ch. 28