All wiring above 50 volts used for light, heat or power shall be classed "A" or "B".
   (A)   Class A: Commercial Wiring. In factories, public buildings, commercial establishments, and new apartment buildings, with over two apartments, electrical wiring shall be Class A. Class A wiring shall be installed in metallic raceways in all cases except by special permission in rewiring of existing apartments and residences of multiple occupancy, branch circuit conductors may be installed with non-metallic sheathed cable with a grounding conductor as an integral part of the cable assemblage. All metallic raceways shall be electrically bonded and connected to all non-metallic cable grounding conductors throughout the system and grounded at a common point at the main service entrance. Non-metallic conduit may be used when in compliance with the current National Electric Code.
   (B) Class B: Residential Wiring. 
      (1)   Residential branch circuit conductors at a minimum shall be installed in non-metallic sheathed cable with a grounding conductor. In basements, the cable shall be installed no less than two inches above the bottom of joists. Below the bottom of joists, all wiring shall be installed in acceptable raceways. All metallic raceways shall be electrically bonded and connected to all non-metallic cable grounding conductors throughout the system and grounded at a common point at the main service entrance.
      (2)   Upon rehabilitation of an existing non-residential building (building that the use is other than a single-family or two-family dwelling), the owner, contractor, or other person having control of the building shall meet with the Electrical Inspector for a determination as to how the electrical system within the structure shall be modified to comply with the requirements for Class A: Commercial Wiring of this section. As a minimum, all wiring exposed during the course of construction shall be brought into compliance with the requirements for Class A: Commercial Wiring of this section. The Inspector shall determine, based upon hazards to the occupants due to the proposed use of the building, what further changes will be required to the electrical system.
(Ord. 2009-14, passed 8-10-2009)