General Provisions
73.001 Definitions
73.002 State law applies
73.003 Enforcement
73.004 Inspection
73.005 Resistance or obstruction of officers
73.006 Operating regulations
73.007 Obedience to traffic-control devices
73.008 Accidents
Registration; Licensing
73.020 Operator’s license required
73.021 State registration required
73.022 Municipal registration
73.023 Decal issuance
73.024 Replacement certificate
73.025 Application for number
73.040 Headlamp
73.041 Taillights
73.042 Brakes
73.043 Mufflers
73.044 Flag
Speed Restrictions
73.055 Speed restrictions
73.056 Minimum speed; traffic obstruction
Turning and Starting; Signals
73.070 Starting parked snowmobile
73.071 Turning; signals required
73.072 Signal by hand or signal device
73.073 Method of giving hand and arm signals
Overtaking and Passing
73.085 Driving upon right side of roadway
73.086 Limitations on overtaking on left
73.100 Right-of-way at intersections
73.101 Right-of-way; left turns
73.102 Stop intersections
73.103 Yield intersections
73.104 Pedestrian right-of-way
73.115 Reckless driving
73.116 Racing
73.117 Following too closely
73.118 Operating under the influence
73.119 Liquor consumption or transportation
73.120 Obstruction of operator’s view
73.121 Obstruction of traffic
73.122 Possession of weapons
73.123 Operation on state highway restricted
73.999 Penalty