No person shall consume any alcoholic liquor while operating a snowmobile within this municipality, and any alcoholic liquor transported in a snowmobile shall be in its original package and with the seal unbroken.
(1969 Code, § 16-295) (Ord. 1978-38, § 5.21, passed 1-26-1978) Penalty, see § 73.999
No person shall operate a snowmobile when it is so loaded with passengers as to obstruct the operator’s view or his or her operation of the driving mechanism.
(1969 Code, § 16-296) (Ord. 1978-38, § 5.22, passed 1-26-1978) Penalty, see § 73.999
No operator shall willfully, unlawfully, or unnecessarily hinder, obstruct, or delay, or attempt to delay, hinder, or obstruct any other person driving or traveling along or upon any roadway within the corporate limits.
(1969 Code, § 16-297) (Ord. 1978-38, § 5.23, passed 1-26-1978) Penalty, see § 73.999
No person, except persons permitted by law, shall operate or ride any snowmobile with any firearm in his or her possession unless it is unloaded and enclosed in a carrying case, or any bow unless it is in a carrying case.
(1969 Code, § 16-299) (Ord. 1978-38, § 5.25, passed 1-26-1978) Penalty, see § 73.999
No person may operate a snowmobile on any state highway within the limits of the municipality, except to cross that state highway at a 90-degree angle, yielding to all traffic and crossing only when it is safe to do so.
(1969 Code, § 16-300) (Ord. 1978-38, § 5.26, passed 1-26-1978) Penalty, see § 73.999
(A) Any person who shall violate any provision of this chapter for which no other penalty is provided shall, upon conviction, be subject to penalties as provided in § 10.99 of this code.
(B) Any person, firm, or corporation violating any provision of this chapter shall be fined not less than $1 nor more than $500 for each offense.
(1969 Code, § 16-264.1) (Ord. 1978-38, § 5.27, passed 1-26-1978)