18.30(F).060   Parking and Loading
   Off-street parking and loading facilities shall be required for all automobile dealerships in the (AD) combining district, in accord with Chapters 18.52 and 18.54. Where the provisions of Chapters 18.52 and 18.54 conflict with the provisions of this Section 18.30(F).060, this section shall control. The following parking requirements apply to automobile dealerships in the (AD) combining district, in lieu of comparable requirements of Chapters 18.52 and 18.54 and the underlying district:
   (a)   Auto storage and display areas shall not be required to be striped for parking stall and aisle width.
   (b)   Areas for customer parking shall be designated.
(Ord. 4845 § 3 (Exh. A. (part)), 2004)