16.20.200   Amortization of nonconforming signs.
   All signs within the city shall be altered, removed or otherwise made to comply with the provisions of this chapter during the following time periods:
   (a)   General Rule. Signs painted on buildings, walls or fences - two years from the date of nonconformity. All other signs - five years from the date of nonconformity;
   (b)   Signs legally erected pursuant to a valid sign permit issued within the two years immediately preceding April 3, 1969:
   (1)   Signs painted on buildings, walls or fences - three years from permit date,
   (2)   All other signs - seven years from permit date;
   (c)   Flashing or moving signs legally erected pursuant to a valid sign permit - seven years from permit date;
   (d)   Signs rendered nonconforming due to the general one-third size reduction amendments to Chapter 16.20 of 1974, and legally erected pursuant to a valid sign permit issued within the two years immediately preceding October 11, 1974:
   (1)   Signs painted on buildings, walls or fences - three years from permit date or two years from October 11, 1974, whichever period is greater,
   (2)   All other signs - seven years from permit date;
   (e)   Signs rendered nonconforming subsequent to the effective date of this section, by reason of the annexation to the city of the territory upon which the sign is located, amendment of this chapter to render such sign noncomplying, or otherwise shall be subject to the amortization provisions hereof. The period within which such sign must be abated as provided in this section shall commence to run upon the effective date of such annexation, or of such amendment, or the date upon which the sign otherwise becomes nonconforming.
(Ord. 3559 § 1 (part), 1984)