(a) No person shall falsely represent himself to be a public officer, inspector, deputy, clerk or other employee or agent or agency of the city of Palo Alto, any other city, or any other governmental agency not covered by the terms of Penal Code Section 146a, and in such assumed character:
(1) Threaten or intimidate any person, or purport or threaten to arrest any person; or
(2) Obtain entry to or search any premises, or search any person or the property of any person, or attempt to make any such entry or search; or
(3) Obtain or attempt to obtain money, property or other thing of value; or
(4) Obtain or attempt to obtain information from any person; or
(5) Contact one or more persons for any other purpose.
For the purpose of this section, "contact" means personal contact, use of the telephone, the mails, telegraph, circular, advertisement, or any other means of communication, written or oral.
(Ord. 2355, 1967: prior code § 7.14)