Every dog not wearing a collar to which is attached a valid plate or tag provided under this title, found or being within the city, shall be taken by an animal control officer or the police and impounded in the animal center where it may be redeemed by the owner or person entitled to its possession within three days after impounding on payment to the city of all accrued charges and costs. If not redeemed, such dog shall be destroyed by the superintendent; provided, however, that the superintendent is authorized to keep valuable dogs and sell them, and his receipt for the sale thereof shall be a valid title to the purchaser.
Any dog which has been within the city for ten days or less and which is held continuously under a leash not more than six feet in length by an able-bodied person or confined within a vehicle shall not be taken by an animal control officer or the police and impounded in the animal center.
(Ord. 3257 § 4 (part), 1981: Ord. 2669 § 10, 1972: Ord. 2601 § 6, 1971: Ord. 2395 § 1 (part), 1967)