(a) The fee for a dog license issued under this chapter, except as provided in subsections (b), (c) and (d) below, shall be as set forth in the municipal fee schedule.
(b) The license fee for spayed female dogs and neutered male dogs shall be one-half of the fee listed in the municipal schedule for subsection (a).
(c) No person having impaired hearing or eyesight shall be required to pay any license fee for any dog specially trained and principally used for the purpose of leading or guiding such person.
(d) Licenses for police dogs as defined in Section 6.20.180 of the Palo Alto Municipal Code shall be issued without charge.
(e) If a person fails to obtain a dog license within ten days after service of a written notice on him that such license is required, or thirty days after the expiration of a dog license or ten days after acquiring a dog or moving into the city limits with a dog, then a late fee as set forth in the municipal fee schedule shall be charged in addition to the applicable license fee.
(Ord. 3826 § 1, 1988: Ord. 3257 § 4 (part), 1981: Ord. 2960 § 39, 1976: Ord 2937 § 2, 1976: Ord. 2863 § 6, 1975: Ord. 2669 § 8, 1972: Ord. 2650 § 2, 1972: Ord. 2601 § 3, 1971: Ord. 2395 § 1 (part), 1967)