Chapter 5.12
   5.12.010   Permit and conditions therefor.
   5.12.020   Not a violation of Title 18.
   5.12.030   Permits for public welfare events.
5.12.010   Permit and conditions therefor.
   For the benefit of the public at public events or gatherings within or adjacent to the city, where large bodies of people may congregate or gather, the health officer may grant permits for the erection, operation and maintenance of refreshment stands. The health officer is authorized to make conditions of such permits as may be necessary to secure the proper sanitation of these stands. Any person who operates a refreshment stand without first obtaining a permit shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. For any such permit a daily fee as set forth in the municipal fee schedule shall be charged in lieu of any other license or permit fee of this city, and shall be paid to the city treasurer.
   Any stands erected under the provisions of this chapter shall be promptly removed at the expiration of the day for which the permit is granted, and all rubbish and debris shall be likewise removed.
(Ord. 4453 § 33, 1997: Ord. 2960 § 35, 1976: Ord. 2345 (part), 1967: prior code § 28.20)
5.12.020   Not a violation of Title 18.
   The limited permits authorized in this chapter shall not be considered to be in violation of Title 18.
(Ord. 2345 (part), 1967: prior code § 28.21)
5.12.030   Permits for public welfare events.
   A permit shall be issued without a license fee to churches, schools, charities and similar nonprofit organizations which desire to conduct booths at public events and gatherings in the city, not for personal and private gain, but for welfare work in civic matters within the city or within territory contiguous to and within one mile of the exterior boundaries of the city.
(Ord. 2345 (part), 1967: prior code § 28.23)