Any removal of any goods, wares or merchandise inventoried and described in the original application form from the place of sale mentioned in such application shall cause such goods to lose their identity as the stock of any of the sales defined in this chapter, and no permits thereafter will be issued for the conducting of a sale of any such goods, wares or merchandise in such manner as to identify them with the store, store name, store owner or location referred to in the original application.
(Ord. 1611 (part), 1955: prior code § 4.26)
Upon commencement and throughout the duration of any sale, as herein defined, the said permit shall be prominently displayed near the entrance to the premises. A duplicate original of the application and stock list pursuant to which such permit was issued shall at all times be available to the chief of police, or to his inspector and investigators, and the permittee shall permit such inspector and investigators to examine all merchandise in the premises for comparison with such stock list.
(Ord. 1611 (part), 1955: prior code § 4.27)
Suitable books and records shall be kept by the permittee and shall at all times be available to the inspector and investigators. At the close of the business each day the stock list attached to the application shall be revised and those items disposed of during such day shall be so marked thereon.
(Ord. 1611 (part), 1955: prior code § 4.28)
(a) The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to or affect the following persons:
(1) Persons acting pursuant to an order or process of a court of competent jurisdiction;
(2) Persons acting in accordance with their powers and duties as public officers such as sheriffs and marshals;
(3) Duly licensed auctioneers, selling at auction;
(4) Any publisher of a newspaper, magazine or other publication who publishes any such advertisement in good faith, without knowledge of its false, deceptive or misleading character, or without knowledge that the provisions of this chapter have not been complied with;
(5) Persons engaged in the business of buying and selling secondhand, distressed, bankrupt or liquidated stock or similar merchandise in bulk lots for purposes of resale and having a fixed place of business for such purpose in the city of Palo Alto.
(Ord. 1611 (part), 1955: prior code § 4.29)