1.04.010 Short title and citation.
1.04.020 Continuation of existing law.
1.04.030 Effect of code on past actions and obligations previously accrued.
1.04.040 Construction.
1.04.050 Definitions.
1.04.060 Grammatical interpretation.
1.04.070 Civil code provisions.
1.04.071 Judicial review.
1.04.072 Expedited judicial review.
1.04.080 Constitutionality.
1.04.090 Effective date.
This code shall be known as the "Palo Alto Municipal Code" and it shall be sufficient to refer to this code as the "Palo Alto Municipal Code" in any prosecution for the violation of any provision thereof. It shall also be sufficient to designate any ordinance adding to, amending or repealing the code, or portions thereof, as an addition or amendment to, or a repeal of, the "Palo Alto Municipal Code," or a portion thereof.
(Ord. 2146 (part), 1963: prior code § 1.01)