(A)   Whenever the city council declares that water shortage conditions exist, the city council shall also designate the severity of the shortage conditions and establish mandatory conservation measures.
   (B)   The severity of each water shortage condition shall be designated in stages, from 1 to 4. Each stage shall correspond to the degree to which the city has or is likely to suffer reduced availability of water supplies, as follows:
Severity: Reduction in Available Supplies
Up to 15%
Greater than 35%
   (C)   Each resolution declaring or modifying a water shortage condition shall include mandatory water use restrictions. Any required reductions in water use shall begin with the customer's next full billing period following the declaration or as otherwise provided in the resolution. In addition to the restrictions set forth in section 22-136, the required water use restrictions may include, but are not limited to the following:
      (1)   Maximum allowed water use. The manager shall establish a method of determining each customer’s water use (baseline use) against which any required reductions shall be measured. The methodology for determining each customer’s baseline use shall be described in the water shortage resolution, and shall include historical use and usage for similar situated customers. To the extent practical, customers who have already implemented up-to-date conservation practices shall not be penalized in establishing their baseline use.
      (2)   One-time and short-term uses:
         (a)   The manager shall grant prior approval for water to be used on a one-time or short-term basis for construction and dust control. The user shall submit to the manager its water use plan at least 30 days in advance of the proposed use.
         (b)   The use of potable water for sanitation, irrigation and construction purposes, including but not limited to dust control, settling of backfill, flushing of plumbing lines, and washing of equipment, buildings and vehicles, shall be prohibited in all cases where the manager has determined that use of reclaimed, recycled or other forms of nonpotable water use is a feasible alternative.
         (c)   Depending upon the severity of the water shortage, the city may not issue new construction meters or short term water use unless reclaimed or non-potable water is used, unless potable water use is necessary to protect the health, safety or welfare.
      (3)   Fire hydrants. The use of water from fire hydrants shall be limited to fire fighting and related activities and other uses of water for municipal purposes shall be limited to activities necessary to maintain the public health, safety and welfare.
      (4)   Exceptions for fire/erosion protection. Irrigation may be permitted for ground cover for fire protection purposes and erosion control. Depending on the severity of the water shortage conditions, outside residential, municipal or commercial landscape irrigation may be limited or prohibited.
      (5)   Expeditious leak repair. All leaks, breaks or malfunction within a plumbing or water distribution system shall be repaired as expeditiously as practical. All repairs shall be completed within 48 hours after discovery of such leak, break or malfunction, or receipt of notice from the city of such condition, whichever comes first.
      (6)   Restrictions on potable water use for irrigation. Depending upon the drought severity, the use of potable water for irrigation uses may be restricted or prohibited. The manager shall have the right to shut off water service to any such irrigation service upon seven days advance notice to the customer.
      (7)   Limits on swimming pools. Watering to maintain the level of water in swimming pools shall occur only when essential. A pool cover shall be used to conserve water at all times. Draining of pools or refilling shall be done only for health or safety reasons as determined by the health department or manager. Depending on the severity of the declared drought emergency, the introduction of water into residential swimming pools and spas may be prohibited.
      (8)   Limits on agricultural use. Agricultural customers, commercial nurseries and livestock facilities shall use water only when necessary. The water shortage resolution may invoke appropriate measures to limit or prohibit certain use of potable water for commercial agricultural use.
      (9)   Irrigation of public works. Irrigation of parks, school ground areas, and road median landscaping will not be permitted more than twice a week and only if necessary. Depending on the severity of the drought emergency, these water uses may be prohibited unless recycled water is used.
      (10)   Limits on golf courses. Golf course water use shall be limited based upon the severity of the drought. To the extent potable water is used for golf course irrigation, limitation on the irrigation of roughs shall be implemented before limitations on fairway irrigation. Efficient use of recycled water on any golf course shall not be limited.
      (11)   Limit new water service. Depending on the severity of the drought, issuance of building permits which require new or expanded water service may be limited or withheld, except to protect the public's health, safety and welfare, or in cases which meet city council adopted conservation offset requirements.
      (12)   Other prohibited uses. The city may implement other water-related restrictions or prohibitions based on the severity of the emergency.
   (D)   Each water shortage condition resolution shall set forth a scheduled time for its expiration or further review of the water shortage situation.
(Ord. No. 2729, 2810)