(A) Purpose - The purpose of the R-BF sub-zone is to provide an area for beachfront residential development consisting primarily of single-family beachfront, located between the Pacific Ocean and the first public road parallel thereto.
(`64 Code, Sec. 37-2.16.1)
(B) Permitted uses - The following are permitted uses in the R-BF sub-zone:
(1) Accessory buildings and structures;
(2) Adult day care facilities serving no more than six adults;
(3) Home occupations;
(4) Child care centers serving no more than six children;
(5) Congregate living health facilities of no more than six beds;
(6) Large family day care homes that the Planning Manager finds to comply with the standards set out in section 16-440;
(7) Residential care facilities for the elderly serving no more than six persons; and
(8) Small residential health or care facilities that conform to city ordinances restricting building heights, setbacks, lot dimensions, placement of signs and other matters applicable to dwellings of the same type in the same zone, and that provide services to no more than six persons, or to no more than eight children in the case of a small family day care home.
(`64 Code, Sec. 37-2.16.2)
(9) Short-term rentals consistent with section 17-53.
(C) Conditionally permitted uses - The following uses are permitted subject to the approval of a coastal development permit pursuant to the provisions of article V:
(1) Single-family dwellings subject to the Oxnard Shores Settlement Agreement dated October 31, 1989, Doc. 89-174512, shall be approved by the director;
(2) Lot 1 duplex or multiple-family dwelling units either in separate buildings or combined in one or more main buildings with a maximum of six units per building;
(3) Public utility and municipal facilities;
(4) Adult day care facilities serving no more than 15 adults;
(5) Child care centers serving no more than 15 children;
(6) Congregate living health facilities of more than six beds; and
(7) Residential care facilities for the elderly serving no more than 15 persons.
(`64 Code, Sec. 37-2.16.3)
(D) Property development standards -
(1) The minimum elevation of the bottom of the lowest structural member, with a shore parallel component greater than three feet in length, shall be +14.0 feet NGVD (national geodetic vertical datum), or one foot above the calculated maximum wave runup or wave crest elevation, whichever produces the highest elevation. The maximum elevation of the bottom of the lowest shore parallel structural member shall be +17.0 feet NGVD, unless a coastal engineering report substantiates the need for a higher elevation based on wave runup and wave force ratio.
(2) For lots wider than 33 feet, two stories, not to exceed 22 feet from the bottom of the lowest shore parallel horizontal structural member to the highest peak of roof. For lots less than 33 feet wide, three stories, not to exceed 30 feet from the bottom of the lowest shore parallel horizontal structural member to the highest peak of roof, for up to a maximum of 50% of any roof. In no case shall the top of the roof elevation exceed +47.0 feet NGVD. The remainder of the roof, where sloped, shall have a maximum average height of 27½ feet above the bottom of the lowest shore parallel structural member. Where the remainder of the roof is a deck, the maximum average height of the top of the deck shall be 23 feet above the bottom of the lowest shore parallel structural member, exclusive of a railing not to exceed an additional four feet in height.
(3) Garage floors shall have a minimum elevation of +13.0 feet NGVD, and shall be high enough to provide a minimum downward slope of 2% for the driveway surface towards the street.
(4) Minimum lot width: 30 feet.
(5) Front yard setback:
(a) Defined. The front yard shall be the area between the Pacific Ocean and the main structure.
(b) Required.
(i) Front yard setback: 0 feet.
(ii) Rear yard setback: 15 feet. Minimum of 20 feet to center of garage door for back-out driveways,
(6) Side yard setback: five feet for lots greater than 33 feet wide. No side yard shall be required on one side of a lot where a five-foot side yard is provided on the other side for lots less than 33 feet wide.
(7) Accessory buildings: shall observe same setback as main structure, shall be separated from main structure by a minimum of six feet, and shall not exceed one story in height.
(`64 Code, Sec. 37-2.16.4)
(E) Special requirements -
(1) Off-street parking: tandem driveway parking may be permitted for guest parking spaces for multiple-family dwelling units.
(2) Fencing: no fences, walls, or hedges may be permitted as lot enclosures.
(3) Minimum distance between a garage door and the most parallel rear property line shall be 20 feet.
(4) Multi-family development requirements:
(a) Lot No. 1, Tract No. 4380, may be developed to a maximum of 12 multiple-family dwelling units. There shall be no more than six attached dwelling units on pilings in any building cluster and there shall be a separation of at least 20 feet between building clusters.
(b) Maximum building height, front yard, rear yard, side yard, and accessory building property development standards as required in subsection (D) above shall apply to the multi-family development of Lot No. 1.
(5) All dwellings shall be constructed on pilings.
(`64 Code, Sec. 37-2.16.5)
(F) Applicable provisions - All uses shall be subject to the applicable standards of this chapter, including standards contained in the following sections:
(1) Section 17-5, General requirements;
(2) Article III, Specific Coastal Development and Resource Standards;
(3) Article IV, General Coastal Development and Resource Standards; and
(4) Article V, Administration.
(`64 Code, Sec. 37-2.16.6)
(Ord. No. 2169, 2314, 2671, 2716, 2970, 2986)