(A) Purpose - The purpose of the CDI sub-zone is to provide areas for those types of energy and industrial activities that require location adjacent to or in the vicinity of the sea to function. The intent of this sub-zone is to assure that energy and industrial land uses will neither generate environmental degradation nor otherwise adversely affect the public welfare. Development within the CDI sub-zone shall be consistent with Policies 50, 54 and 56 of the Oxnard coastal land use plan.
(`64 Code, Sec. 37-2.10.1)
(B) Conditionally permitted uses - The following uses are illustrative of those permitted subject to the approval of a coastal development permit pursuant to the provisions of article V (Administration):
(1) Except in the Channel Islands Harbor, aquiculture and agriculture with structures;
(2) Canneries and cold storage for ocean-based food processing and packaging;
(3) Caretaker residence;
(4) Except in the Channel Islands Harbor, coastal dependent industrial warehousing and outside storage;
(5) Boat repair and service and, except in the Channel Islands Harbor, main facilities, including commercial fishing and boat launching, sales, and storage;
(6) Oil and gas development, including storage of oil spill containment equipment and, except in the Channel Islands Harbor, tanker, refinery, and petrochemical facilities, and associated pipelines and storage structures; and
(7) Except in the Channel Islands Harbor, saltwater desalinization plant.
(`64 Code, Sec. 37-2.10.2)
(C) Property development standards -
(1) Maximum building height: 55 feet (additional height may be approved by coastal development permit).
(2) Minimum lot area: 15,000 square feet.
(3) Minimum lot width: 100 feet; corner lots 150 feet.
(4) Minimum lot depth: 150 feet.
(5) Front yard setback:
(a) Minor streets: 10 feet.
(b) Thoroughfares: 20 feet.
(6) Side yard setback: for lots adjacent to residentially zoned property, same as adjacent residential zone side yard setback. No setback otherwise required.
(7) Rear yard setback: for lots adjacent to residentially zoned property, same as adjacent residential zone rear yard setback. No setback otherwise required.
(`64 Code, Sec. 37-2.10.3)
(D) Performance standards/special requirements -
(1) Electricity and radioactivity -
(a) No activity shall be permitted which causes electrical disturbances affecting the operation of any equipment located beyond the property line of such activity. In no event shall radioactivity, when measured at each lot line, be in excess of 2.7 x 10.11 microcuries per milliliter of air at any moment of time.
(b) Radio and television transmitters shall be operated at the regularly assigned wave lengths (or within the authorized tolerances thereof) as assigned by the appropriate governmental agency. Subject to such exception, such transmitters shall be suitably wired, shielded and controlled so that in operation they shall not emit any electrical impulses or waves beyond the lot lines which shall adversely affect the operation and control of any domestic household equipment or any other electronic devices and equipment.
(2) Liquid and solid wastes - Liquid or solid wastes discharged from the premises shall be properly treated prior to discharge so as not to contaminate or pollute any watercourse or groundwater supply or interfere with bacterial processes in sewage treatment. Such operations shall comply with authorized governmental health and safety regulations of agencies having jurisdiction over such disposal activities. The disposal or dumping of solid wastes, such as slag, paper or fiber wastes, or other industrial wastes, shall not be permitted on any premises unless otherwise provided for in these provisions.
(3) Performance standards, fire and explosive hazards - All activities involving the use or storage of combustible, flammable or explosive materials shall be in compliance with nationally recognized state-of-the-art standards, and shall be provided with adequate firefighting and fire-suppression equipment and devices in compliance with the current edition of the National Fire Protection Association regulations. Burning of waste materials in open fires is prohibited.
(4) Smoke and particulates - Visible emissions of smoke shall not be permitted which exceed Ringelmann No. 1 on the Ringelmann Chart of the U.S. Bureau of Mines, except for exhausts emitted by armored vehicles or other transportation facilities. This requirement shall also be applicable to the disposal of trash and waste materials. Windborne dust, dirt, fly ash, airborne solids, sprays and mists (except water vapor) originating from any use shall not be permitted.
(5) Toxic or noxious matter - Toxic gases or noxious matter shall not be emitted which can cause any damage to human health, to animals, vegetation or property, or which can cause any excessive soiling beyond the lot lines of the use.
(6) Odorous matter - Operations, processes or products which emit odors that are detectable at any point beyond the property line from any use shall not be permitted.
(7) Glare or heat - Any operation producing intense glare or heat shall be performed within an enclosed or screened area in such a manner that the glare or heat emitted shall not be discernible from the property line.
(8) Vibration - Every use shall be so operated that the ground vibration generated by the use is not harmful or injurious to the use of the surrounding properties. No vibration shall be permitted which is perceptible without instruments at any point along the property line on which said use is located.
(9) Noise - Baffling or muffling devices or other precautionary means shall be employed with processes or operations causing objectionable noise characteristics to prevent their being objectionable when measured at the property line during normal operation.
(`64 Code, Sec. 37-2.10.4)
(E) Applicable provisions - All uses shall be subject to the applicable standards of this chapter, including standards contained in the following sections:
(1) Section 17-5, General requirements;
(2) Article III, Specific Coastal Development and Resource Standards;
(3) Article IV, General Coastal Development and Resource Standards; and
(4) Article V, Administration.
(`64 Code, Sec. 37-2.10.5)
(Ord. No. 2034, 2095, 2716)