(A)   Chapter 1 Division D, Section [A]101.4.4: Amend Section [A]101.4.4 to read as follows:
      [A]101.4.4. Property Maintenance. The provisions of the Oxnard City Code shall apply to existing structures and premises; equipment and facilities; light, ventilation, space heating, sanitation, life and fire safety hazards; responsibility of owners, operators and occupants; and occupancy of existing premises and structures.
   (B)   Chapter 1 Division D, Section [A]103.1: Amend Section [A]103.1 to read as follows:
      [A]103.1. Creation of enforcement agency. The Building and Engineering Division of the Community Development Department is hereby created and the official in charge thereof shall be known as the building official.
   (C)   Chapter 1 Division II, Section [A]105.2: Amend Section [A]105.2, items 2 and 4, to read as follows:
         2.   Fences not over 6 feet high and concrete or masonry walls not over 3’-6” high as measured from the lowest finished grade to the top of the wall.
         4.   Retaining walls that are not over 3 feet in height measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall, unless supporting a surcharge or impounding Class I, II, or II-A liquids.
   (D)   Chapter 1 Division II, Section [A]105.3.2: Amend Section [A]105.3.2, to read as follows:
      [A]105.3.2. Time limitation of application. An application for a permit for any proposed work shall be deemed to have been abandoned 180 days after the date of filing, unless such application has been pursued in good faith or a permit has been issued; except that the building official is authorized to grant one or more extensions of time for additional periods not exceeding 180 days each. The extension shall be requested in writing and justifiable cause demonstrated.
   (E)   Chapter 1 Division II, Section [A]107.1: Amend Section [A]107.1, to read as follows:
      [A]107.1. General. Plans, specifications, engineering calculations, diagrams, soil investigation reports, special inspection and structural observation programs and other data shall constitute the submittal documents and shall be submitted in one or more sets with each application for a permit. When such plans are not prepared by an architect or engineer, the Building Official may require the applicant submitting such plans or other data to demonstrate that state law does not require that the plans be prepared by a licensed architect or engineer. The Building Official may require plans, computations and specifications to be prepared and designed by an engineer or architect licensed by the state to practice as such even if not required by state law.
         EXCEPTION: The Building Official may waive the submission of plans, calculations, construction inspection requirements and other data if it is found that the nature of the work applied for is such that reviewing of plans is not necessary to obtain compliance with this Code.
      Computations, diagrams, schedules, soil reports, geological or geotechnical reports, hazardous material reports and other data sufficient to show the correctness and adequacy of the plans shall be submitted when required by the Building Official.
   (F)   Chapter 1 Division D, Section [A]109.2: Amend Section [A]109.2, to read as follows:
      [A]109.2. Schedule of permit fees. On building, structures, electrical, gas, mechanical, and plumbing systems or alterations requiring a permit, a fee for each permit shall be as set forth in the fee schedule adopted by resolution or ordinance of the City Council, in accordance with the most current policies and procedures as described in the Fees Charged to Developers document approved by the Community Development Director.
   (G)   Chapter 1 Division II, Section [A]110.3.12: Add Section [A] to read as follows:
      [A] OSHPD 3 Inspection. For climes and facilities covered by Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD 3) requirements and requiring certification of the construction meeting OSHPD 3 requirements, prior to a final inspection by the building inspector, the owner shall employ an OSHPD certified inspector to conduct an inspection of all applicable OSHPD 3 requirements and prepare a report stating that the construction fully complies to all of California’s OSHPD 3 requirements. The report shall be submitted to the building inspector for their review and approval prior to scheduling a final inspection for the facility.
   (H)   Section 903.2: Amend Section 903.2 to read as follows:
      903.2. Where required. Approved automatic fire sprinkler systems shall be installed in all structures, occupancies, and locations as set forth in this section. For the purposes of this section, fire walls, fire barriers, and fire partitions shall not be considered as creating separate buildings.
   (I)   Section 1403.1: Amend Section 1403.1 to read as follows:
      1403.1. General. The provisions of this section shall apply to exterior walls, wall coverings and components thereof. Additionally, balconies, landings, exterior stairways, occupied roofs and similar surfaces exposed to the weather and sealed underneath shall be waterproofed, and sloped a minimum 1/4 unit vertical in 12 units horizontal (2% slope) for drainage. The weather-exposed areas with ceilings or horizontal projections not required to be sealed for fire resistive construction shall be provided with ventilation devices so as to provide adequate air movement to dry out any moisture infiltrating within the horizontal areas. Details and notes on ventilation devices shall be provided in the submittal drawings.
   (J)   Section 1505.1: Amend the first paragraph of Section 1505.1 to read as follows:
      1505.1. General. The roof covering on any structure regulated by this code shall be a Class A or B roof covering. The roof covering assembly includes the roof deck, underlayment, interlayment, insulation, and covering which is assigned a roof covering classification. Roof coverings required to be listed by this section shall be tested in accordance with ASTM E 108 or UL 790. In addition, fire-retardant-treated wood roof coverings shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D 2928.
   (K)   Section 1507.3.1: Amend Section 1507.3.1 to read as follows:
      1507.3.1. Deck Requirements. Concrete and clay tile shall be installed only over solid sheathing.
   (L)   Section 1511.1: Amend the first paragraph of Section 1511.1 to read as follows:
      1511.1. General. All reroofing shall be constructed with Class A or B roofing and shall conform to the applicable provisions of Chapter 15 of this Code, or as approved by the building official.
   (M)   Section 1613.5: Add Section 1613.5 to read as follows:
      1613.5. Amendments to ASCE 7. The provisions of Section 1613.5 shall be permitted as an amendment to the relevant provisions of ASCE-7.
   (N)   Section 1613.5.1: Add Section 1613.5.1 to read as follows:
      1613.5.1. Modification to ASCE 7 Section Exception 3. ASCE 7 Section, Exception 3 is modified to read as follows:
         3.   Detached one-and two-family dwellings up to two stories in height of light frame construction.
   (O)   Section 1613.5.2: Add Section 1613.5.2 to read as follows:
      1613.5.2 Modification to ASCE 7 Section ASCE 7 Section is modified to read as follows: Wood Diaphragms. The anchorage of concrete or masonry structural walls to wood diaphragms shall be in accordance with AWC SDPWS and this section. Continuous ties required by this section shall be in addition to the diaphragm sheathing. Anchorage shall not be accomplished by use of toe nails or nails subject to withdrawal, nor shall wood ledgers or framing be used in cross-grain bending or cross-grain tension. The diaphragm sheathing shall not be considered effective as providing ties or struts required by this section.
         For wood diaphragms supporting concrete or masonry walls, wood diaphragms shall comply with the following:
         1.   The spacing of continuous ties shall not exceed 40 feet. Added chords of diaphragms may be used to form sub-diaphragms to transmit the anchorage forces to the main continuous crossties.
         2.   The maximum diaphragm shear used to determine the depth of the sub-diaphragm shall not exceed 75% of the maximum diaphragm shear.
   (P)   Section 1613.5.3: Add Section 1615.3 to read as follows:
      1615.3. Modification to ASCE 7 Section 12.12.3. ASCE 7 Section 12.12.3, Equation 12.12-1 is modified to read as follows:
               (Eq. 12-12.1)
   (Q)   Section 1704.6: Amend Section 1704.6 to read as follows:
      1704.6. Structural Observations. Where required by the provisions of Section 1704.6.1 or 1704.6.2, or 1704.6.3, the owner shall employ a structural observer to perform structural observations. Structural observation does not include or waive the responsibility for the inspections in Section 110 or the special inspections in Section 1705 or other sections of this code. The structural observer shall be one of the following individuals:
         1.   The registered design professional responsible for the structural design, or
         2.   A registered design professional designated by the registered design professional responsible for the structural design.
      The registered design professional responsible for the structural design shall submit to the building official a written statement identifying the frequency and extent of structural observations. This written statement shall be made part of the construction documents prior to permit issuance.
      At the conclusion of the work included in the permit, the structural observer shall submit a final report which states that all observed deficiencies have been resolved, prior to acceptance of the work by the building official.
   (R)   Section 1705.3: Amend Section 1705.3 to read as follows:
      1705.3. Concrete Construction. The special inspections and verifications for concrete construction shall be as required by this section and Table 1705.3.
      EXCEPTIONS: Special inspection and test shall not be required for:
      1.   Isolated spread concrete footings of buildings three stories or less in height that are fully supported on earth or rock, where the structural design of the footing is based on a specified compressive strength, f'c, no greater than 2,500 pounds per square inch (psi) (17.2 Mpa).
      2.   Continuous concrete footings supporting walls of buildings three stories or less in height that are fully supported on earth or rock where:
         2.1.   The footings support walls of light-frame construction;
         2.2.   The footings are designed in accordance with Table 1809.7, or
         2.3.7   The structural design of the footing is based on a specified compressive strength, fc, no greater than 2,500 pounds per square inch (psi) (17.2 Mpa), regardless of the compressive strength specified in the construction documents or used in the footing construction.
      3.   Nonstructural concrete slabs supported directly on the ground, including concrete patios, driveways and sidewalks
   (S)   Section 1705.13.2: Amend Section 1705.13.2, Exception, to read as follows:
      Exception: Special inspections are not required for wood shear walls, shear panels and diaphragms, including nailing, bolting, anchoring and other fastening to other elements of the seismic-force-resisting system, where either (1) the fastener spacing of the sheathing is more than 4 inches (102 mm) on center (o.c.), or (2) the tabular values for allowable shear design values are reduced to seventy-five percent (75%).
   (T)   Section 1803.2: Amend the first paragraph of Section 1803.2 to read as follows:
      1803.2. Investigations required. Geotechnical investigations shall be conducted in accordance with Sections 1803.3 through 1803.5. Whenever unusual soil conditions are found which justify a special site investigation to determine soil stability or questionable adequacy of the overall building site, the building official may require that the owner obtain a special geological, hydrological, soil gas profile, soil chemical analysis, soils contamination, or other report as may be deemed appropriate. The investigation shall be conducted by trained and experienced professionals licensed by the State of California to prepare such evaluations, recommendations, and reports.
   (U)   Section 1804.4: Amend Section 1804.4 to read as follows:
      1804.4. Site Grading. The ground immediately adjacent to the foundation shall be sloped away from the building at a slope of not less than one unit vertical in 50 units horizontal (2-percent) for a minimum distance of 10 feet (3048 mm) measured perpendicular to the face of the wall. If physical obstructions or lot lines prohibit 10 feet (3048 mm) of horizontal distance, a 2-percent slope shall be provided to an approved alternative method of diverting water away from the foundation. Swales used for this purpose shall be sloped not less than 2-percent where located within 10 feet (3048 mm) of the building foundation. Impervious surfaces within 10 feet (3048 mm) of the building foundation shall be sloped not less than 2-percent away from the building.
         Exception: Impervious surfaces shall be permitted to be sloped less than 2 percent where the surface is a door landing or ramp that is required to comply with Section 1010.1.4, 1012.3 or 1012.6.1.
      The procedure used to establish the final ground level adjacent to the foundation shall account for additional settlement of the backfill.
      Provisions shall be made for the control and drainage of surface water around buildings. Concentrated drainage such as rainwater from gutters and downspouts, scuppers, and roof valleys shall be diverted away from building foundations by means of concrete splash blocks or other approved non-erosive devices. Unless an alternate design is approved by the building official, under floor access crawl holes shall be provided with curbs extending not less than six (6) inches above adjacent grade to prevent surface water from entering the under floor area.
      Gutters and Downspouts - when buildings are located on expansive soil having an expansion index greater than 50, gutters, downspouts, piping, and/or other non-erosive devices shall be provided to collect and conduct rainwater to a street, storm drain, or other approved watercourse or disposal area.
      Lot Drainage - All lots shall be graded to drain to a street or public way that abuts the site or shall be provided with approved drainage devices. Minimum gradient of all lots shall comply with the following:
1. Pervious surfaces —
1 percent slope
2 percent slope
2. Asphalt surfaces —
1/2 percent slope
1 percent slope
3. Concrete surfaces —
1/4 percent slope
1/2 percent slope
(2 percent = 1/4 inch per foot; 1 percent = 1/8" per foot; 1/2 percent = 1/16" per foot; and 1/4 percent = 1/32 inch per foot.)
      In rural areas where curbs or gutters have not been installed, drainage design plans shall be submitted for approval by the building official.
   (V)   Section 1808.7.4: Amend Section 1808.7.4 to read as follows:
      1808.7.4. Foundation Elevation. The top of any exterior foundation shall extend above the elevation of the lowest adjacent street gutter or the inlet of an approved drainage device not less than 25 inches. Alternative elevations are permitted subject to approval of the building official, provided that it can be demonstrated that required drainage to the point of discharge and away from the structure is provided at all locations on the site.
   (W)   Section 1905.1: Amend Section 1905.1 to read as follows:
      1905.1. General. The text of ACI 318 shall be modified as indicated in Sections 1905.1.1 through 1905.1.11.
   (X)   Section 1905.1.7: Amend Section 1905.1.7 to read as follows:
      1905.1.7. Section 14.1.4 of ACI 318 is not adopted. It is replaced with the following:
         14.1.4 - Plain concrete in structures assigned to Seismic Design Category C, D, E, or F. Structures assigned to Seismic Design Category C, D, E, or F shall not have elements of structural plan concrete, except as follows.
            (a)   Concrete used for fill with a minimum cement content of two (2) sacks of Portland cement per cubic yard.
            (b)   Isolated footings of plain concrete supporting pedestals or columns are permitted, provided the projection of the footing beyond the face of the supported member does not exceed the footing thickness.
            (c)   In detached one- and two-family dwellings three stories or less in height and constructed with stud-bearing walls, plain concrete footings having a total area of longitudinal reinforcing steel of not less than 0.002 times the gross cross-sectional area of the footing, with at least two continuous longitudinal reinforcing bars not smaller than No. 4 are permitted. In addition, where the foundation system consists of a plain concrete footing and a plain concrete stemwall, an additional longitudinal reinforcing bar not smaller than No. 4 shall be provided at the top of the stemwall, and vertical bars not less than No.4 shall be placed in the stemwall at 24” on center, with a standard 90 degree hook into the footing.
   (Y)   Section 1905.1.9: Add Section 1905.1.9 to read as follows:
      1905.1.9. Modify ACI 318 Section 18.7.5, by adding Section and to read as follows: - Where the calculated point of contraflexure is not within the middle half of the member clear height, provide transverse reinforcement as specified in ACI 318 Sections, items (a) through (c), over the full height of the member. - At any section where the design strength,Pn, of the column is less than the sum of the shears Ve computed in accordance with ACI 318 Sections and for all the beams framing into the column above the level under consideration, transverse reinforcement as specified in ACI 318 Sections through shall be provided. For beams framing into opposite sides of the column, the moment components may be assumed to be of opposite sign. For the determination of the design strength, (Pn, of the column, these moments are permitted to be assumed to result from the deformation of the frame in any one principal axis.
   (Z)   Section 1905.1.10: Add Section 1905.1.10 to read as follows:
      1905.1.10. Modify ACI 318 Section 18.10.4, by adding Section to read as follows: - Walls and portions of walls with Pu > 0.3 5Po shall not be considered to contribute to the calculated shear strength of the structure for resisting earthquake-induced forces. Such walls shall conform to the requirements of ACI 318 Section 18.14.
   (AA)   Section 1905.1.11: Add Section 1905.1.11 to read as follows:
      1905.1.11. Modify ACI 318, by adding section as follows: - Collector and boundary elements in topping slabs placed over precast floor and roof elements shall not be less than 3 inches (76mm) or 6 db thick, where db is the diameter of the largest reinforcement in the topping slab.
   (BB)   Section 2304.10.2: Amend Section 2304.10.2 to read as follows:
      2304.10.2. Fastener requirements. Connections for wood members shall be designed in accordance with the appropriate methodology in Section 2302.1. The number and size of fasteners connecting wood members shall not be less than that set forth in Table 2304.10.1. Staple fasteners in Table 2304.10.1 shall not be used to resist or transfer seismic forces in structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E, or F.
         Exception: Staples may be used to resist or transfer seismic forces when the allowable sheaf values are substantiated by cyclic testing and approved by the building official.
   (CC)   Section 2304.10.3.1: Add Section 2304.10.3.1 to read as follows:
      2304.10.3.1. Quality of Nails. Mechanically driven nails used in wood structural panel shear walls shall meet the same dimensions as that required for hand-driven nails, including diameter, minimum length, and minimum head diameter. Clipped head or box nails are not permitted in new construction. The allowable design value for clipped head nails in existing construction may be taken at no more than the nail-head-area ratio of that of the same size hand-driven nails.
   (DD)   Section 2305.4: Add Section 2305.4 to read as follows:
      2305.4. Hold-down connectors. In Seismic Design Category D, E, or F, hold-down connectors shall be designed to resist shear wall overturning moments using approved cyclic load values or 75 percent of the allowable seismic load values that do not consider cyclic loading of the product. Connector bolts into wood framing shall require steel plate washers on the post on the opposite side of the anchorage device. Plate size shall be a minimum of 0.229 inch by 3 inches by 3 inches (5.82 mm by 76 mm by 76mm) in size. Hold-down connectors shall be tightened to finger tight plus one-half (1/2) wrench turn just prior to covering the wall framing.
   (EE)   Section 2306.2: Amend Section 2306.2 to read as follows:
      2306.2. Wood-frame diaphragms. Wood-frame diaphragms shall be designed and constructed in accordance with AWC SDPWS. Where panels are fastened to framing members with staples, requirements and limitations of AWC SDPWS shall be met and the allowable shear values set forth in Table 2306.2(1) or 2306.2(2) shall only be permitted for structures assigned to Seismic Design Category A, B, or C.
         Exception: Allowable shear values where panels are fastened to framing members with staples may be used if such values are substantiated by cyclic testing and approved by the building official.
      The allowable shear values in Tables 2306.2(1) and 2306.2(2) are permitted to be increased 40 percent for wind design.
      Wood structural panel diaphragms used to resist seismic forces in structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E, or F shall be applied directly to the framing members.
         Exception: Wood structural panel diaphragms are permitted to be fastened over solid lumber planking or laminated decking, provided the panel joints and lumber planking or laminated decking joints do not coincide.
   (FF)   Section 2306.3: Amend Section 2306.3 to read as follows:
      2306.3. Wood-frame shear walls. Wood-frame shear walls shall be designed and constructed in accordance with AWC SDPWS. For structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E, or F, application of Tables 4.3 A and 4.3B of AWC SDPWS shall include the following:
         1.   Wood structural panel thickness for shear walls shall not be less than 3/8 inch thick and studs shall not be spaced at more than 16 inches on center.
         2.   The maximum nominal unit shear capacities for 3/8 inch wood structural panels resisting seismic forces in structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E, or F is 400 pounds per linear foot (plf), and shall not exceed 200 pounds per linear foot (plf) for plywood structural panels containing three or fewer laminated layers.
               Exception: Other nominal unit shear capacities may be permitted if such values are substantiated by cyclic testing and approved by the building official.
         3.   Where shear design values using allowable stress design (ASD) exceed 350 plf or load and resistance factor design (LRFD) exceed 500 plf, all framing members receiving edge nailing from abutting panels shall not be less than a single 3-inch nominal member or two 2-inch nominal members fastened together in accordance with Section 2306.1 to transfer the design shear value between framing members. Wood structural panel joint and sill plate nailing shall be staggered at all panel edges. See Section and of AWC SDPWS for sill plate size and anchorage requirements.
         4.   Nails shall be placed not less than 1/2 inch in from the panel edges and not less than 3/8 inch from the edge of the connecting members for shear greater than 350 plf using ASD or 500 plf using LRFD. Nails shall be placed not less than 3/8 inch from panel edges and not less than 1/4 inch from the edge of the connecting member for shears of 350 plf or less using ASD or 500 plf or less using LRFD.
         5.   Table 4.3B application is not allowed for structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E, or F.
      For structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D, application of Table 4.3C of AWC SDPWS shall not be used below the top level in a multi-level building, and the allowable seismic shear values shall not exceed 90 plf for Portland cement plaster and 30 plf for gypsum. Table 4.3C shall not be allowed for structures assigned to Seismic Design Category E, or F.
      Where panels are fastened to framing members with staples, requirements and limitations of AWC SDPWS shall be met and the allowable shear values set forth in Table 2306.3(1), 2306.3(2) or 2306.3(3) shall only be permitted for structures assigned to Seismic Design Category A, B, or C.
         Exception: Allowable shear values where panels are fastened to framing members with staples may be used if such values are substantiated by cyclic testing and approved by the building official.
      The allowable shear values in Table 2306.3(1), 2306.3(2) are permitted to be increased 40 percent for wind design. Panels complying with ANSI/APA PRP-210 shall be permitted to use design values for Plywood Siding in the AWC SDPWS.
         Exception: [DSA-SS DSA-SS/CC and OSHPD 1, 2, & 4] Wood structural panel walls using staples as fasteners are not permitted by DSA and OSHPD.
   (GG)   Section 2307.2: Add Section 2307.2 to read as follows:
      2307.2. Wood-frame shear walls. Wood-frame shear walls shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Section 2306.3 as applicable.
   (HH)   Table 2308.6.1: Amend Table 2308.6.1 by modifying footnote “b” to read as follows:
      b.   See section 2308.6.3 for full description of bracing methods. Bracing methods DWB, SFB, PBS, HPS, and GB are not permitted in Seismic Design Categories D or E.
   (II)   Section 2308.6.8.1: Amend Section 2308.6.8.1, first Exception, to read as follows:
      Exception: For structures in Seismic Design Category A, B, or C, with a maximum plan dimension not more than 50 feet (15 240mm), continuous foundations are required at exterior walls only.
   (JJ)   Section 2308.6.9: Amend Section 2308.6.9 to read as follows:
      2308.6.9. Attachment of Sheathing. Fastening of braced wall panel sheathing shall not be les than that prescribed in Table 2308.6.1 or Table 2304.10.1. Wall sheathing shall not be attached to framing members by adhesives. Staple fasteners in Table 2304.10.1 shall not be used to resist or transfer seismic forces in structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E, or F.
         Exception: Staples may be used to resist or transfer seismic forces when the allowable shear values are substantiated by cyclic testing and approved by the building official.
   (KK)   Appendix Chapter J, Section J103.2, Exception 1: Amend Appendix Chapter J, Section JI03.2, Exception 1, to read as follows:
      1.   Grading in an isolated, self-contained area, provided there is no danger to the public, the total quantity of graded soil does not exceed 150 cubic yards, and that such grading will not adversely affect adjoining properties.
   (LL)   Appendix Chapter J, Section J104.1: Amend Appendix Chapter J, Section J104.1 to read as follows:
      J104.1. Submittal Requirements. Application for a grading permit shall be accompanied by four sets of plans and specifications, and supporting data consisting of a soils engineering report (and an engineering geology report where required by the building official.) The sets of plans submitted for final approval shall be submitted on mylar. The plans and specifications shall be prepared and signed by an individual licensed by the state to prepare such plans or specifications when required by the building official. The dates of the soils engineering (and engineering geology report if required) along with the names, addresses, and phone numbers of the firms or individuals who prepared the reports, shall appear on the grading plans. In addition to the provisions of Section 105.3, and 1.8.4, as applicable, the applicant shall state the estimated quantities of excavation and fill.
(Ord. No. 3021)