(A)   Every massage business or establishment as defined in Cal. Business and Professions Code, Section 4612, subdivision (b), paragraph (1) shall provide to the license collector a copy or other evidence of the massage therapy certificate of every person who provides massage therapy at the business or establishment prior to the commencement of massage therapy services by such person and shall maintain at the business or establishment a copy or other evidence of each such massage therapy certificate for review by local authorities.
   (B)   Every massage business or establishment as defined in Cal. Business and Professions Code, Section 4612, subdivision (b), paragraph (1) and every permittee of a massage business or establishment shall notify the license collector of any intention to rename, change management, or convey the business or establishment to another person within 15 days of such change.
   (C)   Every permittee of a massage business or establishment shall comply with the following requirements:
      (1)   Notify the license collector when the owner of the business or establishment sells or transfers the entire business or establishment to another person or when the owner of the business or establishment sells or transfers a portion of the business or establishment to another person.
      (2)   Provide to the license collector the names of all persons who will act as manager of the massage business or establishment prior to the commencement of massage therapy services at said massage business or establishment.
   (D)   Every massage technician shall notify the license collector of a change in the permittee's home address or the address of the massage business or establishment where the permittee regularly provides massage therapy services within ten days of such change.
(Ord. No. 2811, 2823)