Exclusion from a park or park facility under the provisions of this article shall be for the specified time periods following the occurrence of the following violations in a park or park facility:
   (A)   One day: single infraction of park rules or ordinance. Such exclusion shall be limited to the park or park facility in which the offense occurred, and shall be for a period of 24 hours.
   (B)   Thirty days: arrest or citation for nonviolent offense (for example, public intoxication) or two or more infractions of park rules or ordinances within the previous 365 days. Such exclusion shall be limited to the park or park facility in which the offense occurred.
   (C)   Ninety days: two arrests or two citations for nonviolent offenses within the previous 365 days. Such exclusion shall be limited to the park or park facility in which the offense occurred.
   (D)   Six months: three arrests or three citations for nonviolent offenses within the previous 365 days, or an arrest for one felony nonviolent offense. Such exclusion shall apply to any park or park facility within the city.
   (E)   One year: four or more arrests or four or more citations for nonviolent offenses within the previous 365 days, or any arrest for any violent offense. Such exclusion shall apply to any park or park facility within the city.
(Ord. No. 2966)