For the purposes of this article, the following definitions shall apply.
   (A)   CAMP or CAMPING - One or more of the following activities: pitching or occupying camp facilities, or the use of camp paraphernalia. These activities constitute camping when it reasonable appears, in considering all the circumstances, that the individual, in conducting these activities, is in fact using the area as a living accommodation, regardless of the intent of the individual or the nature of any other activities in which they may be engaging. The act of sleeping, on its own, does not constitute camping.
   (B)   CAMP FACILITIES - Include, but are not limited to, tents, huts, temporary shelters, or other similar facilities.
   (C)   CAMP PARAPHERNALIA - Includes, but is not limited to, tarpaulins, cots, beds, mattresses, sleeping bags, hammocks, cookware, cooking equipment, kitchen utensils, or other similar equipment.
   (D)   CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT - An area in the city that is bounded by: Magnolia Avenue to the north and the north side of Wooley Road to the south. The area is bounded to the west by the west side of C Street from West 1st Street to West 3rd Street; the west alley of C Street from West 3rd Street to West 6th Street, and the west side of C Street from West 6th Street to Wooley Road to the west. The area is bounded to the east by the Oxnard Transit Center property’s easternmost edge, and east alley of Meta Street; the east alley of Oxnard Boulevard from East 7th Street to Driffill Boulevard, and the west side of Donlon Avenue from Driffill Boulevard to the north side of Wooley Road.
   (E)   CITY MANAGER - The city manager or his or her designee.
   (F)   COMMUNITY CENTER PARK EAST - A municipal park in the city, also known to some as Lions Park, that is bordered by West 7th Street to the north; West 9th Street to the south; G Street to the east; and Hobson Way to the west.
   (G)   COMMUNITY CENTER PARK WEST - A municipal park in the city that is bordered by West 7th Street to the north; West 9th Street to the south; Hobson Way to the east; and the east side of Kingfisher Way to the west.
   (H)   OXNARD TRANSIT CENTER - The property located within the Central Business District at 201 East 4th Street, its parking lots and their entrances on both Meta Street and East 5th Street.
   (I)   PERSONAL EFFECTS - Personal property consisting of the following items: medication, medical devices, eyeglasses or other prescription lenses; identification records such as identification cards, birth certificates, social security cards or medical records; sleeping bags or bed rolls which are sanitary and non- verminous; tents in usable and reasonably good condition; clothes stored in a manner protecting them from the elements, which are not unsanitary, soiled, or verminous; and non-perishable food items.
   (J)   PERSONAL PROPERTY - Tangible personal belongings. Tangible personal belongings include any movable or tangible thing that is subject to ownership; property or chattels that can be seen, weighed, measured, felt, or touched, such as furniture, cooking utensils, and books. For the purposes of this article, personal property shall not include real property, vehicles, or animals.
   (K)   PLAZA PARK - A municipal park in the city that is bordered by North 5th Street to the north; South 5th Street to the south; B Street to the east; and C Street to the west.
   (L)   POLICE CHIEF - The chief of police of the city police department or the designee thereof.
   (M)   PUBLIC AREAS - The Central Business District, the Oxnard Transit Center, Community Center Park East, Community Center Park West, Wilson Park, the area of K Street between 2nd Street and 5th Street, and the train tracks abutting Mercantile Street, the are encompassing 25.94 meters to the east and west of the train tracks abutting Mercantile Street bound by fencing, bounded to the north by the south of East Wooley Road and bounded to the south by the north of the Pacific Coast Highway.
   (N)   PUBLIC PLACE - Public property, improved or unimproved, including, but not limited to, open space, parks, plazas, parking lots, streets, bridges, alleys, driveways, sidewalks, and walkways.
   (O)   STORE - To put aside or accumulate for use when needed; to put for safekeeping; to place or leave in a location.
   (P)   UNCLAIMED PERSONAL PROPERTY - Personal property that has been turned into the city and that has not been claimed within a period of 90 days by its true owner or finder.
   (Q)   WILSON PARK - A municipal park in the city that is bordered by the south alley of Deodar Drive to the north; Palm Drive to the south; C Street to the west; and the west alley of A Street to the east.
(Ord. No. 2966, 3044)