§ 20-59  TRUCK ROUTES.
   (A)   All trucks and tractor-trailer trucks having a capacity of two tons or more entering the city and destined to a point outside the city and not taking on or discharging any goods, wares or merchandise within the city limits, shall travel exclusively on the truck routes established by the city and over the part of the routes as shall constitute the shortest and most direct route between the point of entrance into and the point of departure from the city.
   (B)   All trucks and tractor-trailer trucks having a capacity of two or more tons are hereby prohibited from parking and traveling in all residential zoning districts and on all city-owned and city-maintained streets or parts of streets when necessary to load or unload commodities at a destination upon such streets.
   (C)   The Street Superintendent is hereby directed to post and maintain at all points where truck routes enter the city, and junction points and turns where necessary, and at all approaches to the streets or parts of streets on which trucks are prohibited, appropriate signs directing truck traffic in accordance with this section.
(`86 Code, § 20-60)  (Am. Ord. 02-06-01, passed 6-11-02; Am. Ord. 14-09-01, passed 9-9-14)