The corporate limits of said city shall be as follows:
Beginning at an iron stake one foot south of the southeast corner of South Side Sewage Treatment Plant fence; going thence N. 65° 30' W. 4,580 feet to a point in the center of Oxford to Durham Highway (U.S. Highway #15); going thence N. 42° 15' W. 820 feet to a point 40 feet from the western margin of the Southern Railroad right-of-way; going thence S. 26° 15' W. across Whitfield Drive 81 feet to a point on the southern side thereof; going thence S. 35° 45' W. 321.5 feet to a point 40 feet from the western margin of the Southern Railroad right-of-way; thence S. 46° 30' W. 391 feet to a point 40 feet from the western margin of the Southern Railroad right-of-way; thence S. 50° W. across East Dale Avenue 225 feet more or less to an iron pin 40 feet from the western margin of the Southern Railroad right-of-way; going thence in a line parallel with the southern margin of East Dale Avenue as follows N. 55° 18' W. 190 feet to an iron pin; N. 51° 5' W. 410 feet past an iron pin to the western margin of Pine Tree Road; thence along the western margin of the said Pine Tree Road as follows: N. 38° 55' E. across East Dale Avenue 497.8 feet to a point; N. 36° 13' West 322.2 feet to a point; N. 31° 30' E. 198.5 feet to a point; N. 29° E. 135 feet to a point; going thence away from Pine Tree Road N. 24° 15' W. 290 feet to a point; N. 86° W. 275 feet to a point; N. 1° W. 292 feet to a point; N. 24° 15' W. 370 feet to a point in the center of the Hillsboro Street Extension Road; going thence N. 3° 30' E. 6,891 feet north of the Hicks Mill Road; going thence N. 69° 30' E. 4,335 feet to
a pont in the western margin of Rayland Street; going thence S. 46° 15' E. across the Oxford to Clarksville Highway (U.S. Highway #15 North) past a large cedar on the east side thereof 7,686 feet to a point, said point being 300 feet from the center of the Oxford to Henderson Highway (U.S. Highway #158 East); going thence S. 14° 20' 10" W. 351.25 feet to a point in the southern right-of-way line); going thence along said southern right-of-way line S. 61° 25' E. 424.55 feet to a point; thence leaving said southern right-of-way S. 1° 46' E. 781.13 feet to a point; thence S. 80° 33' 30" W. 477.14 feet to a point; thence S. 82° 20' W. 156.22 feet to a point; going thence S. 14° 45' W. 4,562.20 feet to a point 300 feet from the center of the Raleigh Road; going thence S. 63° 15' W. 2,780 feet to an iron stake one foot south of the southeast corner of the South Side Sewer Treatment Plant fence, said iron stake being the point and place of beginning.
(Session Laws 1963, Ch. 971, Art. I, § 2)
Statutory reference:
Corporate limits, see G.S. §§ 160A-21 and 160A-22