A.   Penalty Imposed: Any person, as owner or agent, who shall dispose of or offer for sale any lot or lots within the area of jurisdiction of this title, before the plat thereof has been approved by the governing body, and recorded as required by law, shall forfeit and pay five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each lot or part of lot sold, disposed of or offered for sale, to the governing body and will be subject to penalty as provided in section 1-4-1 of this code. (Ord. 1994-92, 6-14-1994, eff. 6-14-1994; amd. 2015 Code)
   B.   Additional Remedies: Nothing contained herein shall in any way limit the city's right to any other remedies available to the city for the enforcement of this title. These remedies include, but are not limited to, the city's ability to institute an action for injunction, mandamus or other appropriate action or proceeding to prevent any pending disposal or offer of sale, or to prevent any further disposal or offer of sale in violation of this title. (Ord. 94-90, 3-8-1994, eff. 3-8-1994)