733.09 REMEDIES.
   (a)    Liquidated Damages. In addition to any other rights reserved by the City under Law, the License shall also include a provision of liquidated damages to be negotiated by the Grantee and the City. Such liquidated damages shall allow the City to enact unilateral damages on the Grantee for violations of this License. The terms of said liquidated damages will be located within the License between the Grantee and the City.
   (b)    Grantee may not Transfer the rights and privileges granted hereunder without the prior written consent of City expressed by resolution or ordinance, and then only under such conditions as may herein be prescribed. No Transfer in Law or otherwise shall be effective until the City has consented and the transferee has filed with the City an instrument duly executed reciting the fact of such assignment or Transfer, accepting the terms of the License, and agreeing to comply with all of the provisions hereof.
(Ord. 2680. Passed 5-16-00.)