(a)   Accompanying any application for a License between an Applicant and the City shall be a complete plan of the Telecommunications System filed with the City prior to the issuance of a License. Such plans shall have a complete timetable of Construction of Applicant's Telecommunications System and when it will be completed within the City.
   (b)    Such plans shall also be subject to approval by the City, including all Construction and timetables within the City. With the maps given to the City, the Applicant shall provide a detailed description of the type and quantity of Facilities, including but not limited to conduit, fiber, coaxial, twisted pair, fiber count, and pair count. Upon substantial completion of Construction, a Grantee shall provide as built drawings and plans of the Telecommunications System acceptable to the City.
   (c)    Prior to doing any Construction work, Grantee must apply for and obtain appropriate permits from the City, give appropriate notices to the City or bureaus of the City, or the City's infrastructure coordinating committee and the Advisory Utilities Commission, or other units of government ongoing or maintaining Facilities which may be affected by the proposed Construction.
   (d)    Grantee's system will be constructed and maintained so as not to interfere with any current or existing Rights of Way user including any City, County or other Person's property including sewers, water pipes, or any other property of the City, County, or Person.
   (e)    Grantee will be required to relocate the Telecommunications System Facilities located in the Rights of Way if requested by City. The cost of relocation will be Grantee's sale cost.
(Ord. 2680. Passed 5-16-00.)