(A) The Mayor shall preside at meetings of the City Council. In the absence of the Mayor at any meeting of the City Council, the City Council members present may elect a Mayor Pro Tem for that meeting.
(B) The Mayor may participate in City Council proceedings, but shall not have a vote, except that he or she may cast the deciding vote in case of a tie.
(KRS 83A.130(5)) (Prior Code, § 32.20) (Ord. 425, passed 4-26-1982)
(A) The City Council shall hold regular meetings once each month on the second Thursday of each month; provided, however, that whenever the second Thursday of each month falls on a legal holiday, then the regular meeting for that month shall be held on the ensuing Thursday which is secular day, or if such Thursday is also a holiday, then on the ensuing Thursday.
(1) The City Council shall conduct its regular meeting at 5:30 p.m. prevailing time on the day and the place provided herein.
(2) The regular meeting place at which said City Council shall hold its meetings shall be at the City Hall, 220 South Main Street, in the city.
(B) Special meetings of said City Council may be called at any time by the Mayor or by four members of the City Council, by written notice delivered at least 24 hours prior to the time specified for the proposed meeting, to each member, to the Mayor, to each local newspaper of the general circulation, to each news service and to each local radio or television station which has on file with the City Council a written request to be notified of special meetings of said City Council, in accordance with KRS 61.805 through 61.991.
(C) At a special meeting no business may be considered other than that set forth in the designation of purpose.
(D) The minutes of every meeting shall be signed by the person responsible for maintaining city records as provided under § 31.31 of this code and by the officer presiding at the meeting.
(KRS 83A.130(11)) (Prior Code, § 32.21) (Ord. 380, passed 6-21-1977; Ord. 567, passed 8-2-1994; Ord. 763, passed 4-2-2019; Ord. 771, passed 2-1-2022)
No ordinance shall be amended by reference to its title only, and ordinances to amend shall set out in full the amended ordinance or section indicating any words being added by a single solid line drawn underneath it. Text that is intended to be removed shall be marked at the beginning with an opening bracket and at the end with a closing bracket. The text between the brackets shall be stricken through with a single solid line.
(KRS 83A.060(3)) (Prior Code, § 32.37)
(A) Except as provided in division (B) below, no ordinance shall be enacted until it has been read on two separate days. The reading of an ordinance may be satisfied by stating the title and reading a summary rather than the full text.
(B) In an emergency, upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the membership, the City Council may suspend the requirements of second reading and publication in order for an ordinance to become effective by naming and describing the emergency in the motion. Publication requirements of § 32.38 of this code shall be complied with within ten days of the enactment of the emergency ordinance.
(KRS 83A.060(4), (7)) (Prior Code, § 32.38)
(A) All ordinances adopted by the City Council shall be submitted to the Mayor who, within ten days after submission, shall either approve the ordinance by affixing his or her signature or disapprove it by returning it to the City Council together with a statement of his or her objections.
(B) No ordinance shall take effect without the Mayor’s approval, unless he or she fails to return it to the legislative body within ten days after receiving it, or unless the City Council votes to override the Mayor’s veto upon reconsideration of the ordinance, not later than the second regular meeting following its return, by the affirmation vote of one or more than a majority of the membership.
(KRS 83A.130(6)) (Prior Code, § 32.39)