The city may, by ordinance, specify additional requirements for adoption of ordinances in greater detail than contained herein, but the city may not lessen or reduce the substantial requirements of this chapter or any statute relating to adoption of ordinances.
(KRS 83A.060(10)) (Prior Code, § 32.44)
Not less than once every five years, all ordinances in this code of ordinances shall be examined for consistency with state law and with one another and shall be revised to eliminate redundant, obsolete, inconsistent and invalid provisions.
(KRS 83A.060(11)) (Prior Code, § 32.45)
(A) The City Council may adopt municipal orders. All municipal orders shall be in writing and shall be adopted only at an official meeting. Orders may be amended only by a subsequent municipal order or ordinance. All orders adopted shall be maintained in an official order book.
(B) In lieu of an ordinance, municipal orders may be used for matters relating to the internal operation and functions of the city and to appoint or remove or approve appointment or removal of members of boards, commissions and other agencies over which the City Council has control.
(KRS 83A.060(12), (13)) (Prior Code, § 32.46)
All ordinances and orders of the city may be proved by the signature of the City Clerk-Treasurer; and when the ordinances are placed in this code of ordinances by authority of the city, the printed copy shall be received in evidence by any state court without further proof of such ordinances.
(KRS 83A.060(14)) (Prior Code, § 32.47)
For anything said in debate, City Council members shall be entitled to the same immunities and protections allowed to members of the General Assembly.
(KRS 83A.060(15)) (Prior Code, § 32.48)
Statutory reference:
Privileges of members of General Assembly, see KRS 6.050 and Ky. Const. § 43