Fees for the services of the Building Inspector within the city limits shall be as set forth in § 150.03 below.
(B) Fees shall be collected by the City Clerk or his or her designee at the time the building permit is issued and permit fees paid.
(C) The Building Inspector shall review the building permit application with plans attached, prior to issuance of the building permit by the City Clerk.
(D) All records pertaining to the building inspection/permit shall be maintained within the City Hall.
(E) It shall be the responsibility of the person(s) granted the permit to contact the Building Inspector to schedule dates and times for inspections.
(Ord. 651, passed 6-7-2005; Ord. 787, passed 1-11-2024)
The permit fee schedule shall be designated as set forth below.
(A) Residential building permits.
Residential Building Permits
Residential Building Permits
| |||
Cost per sq. ft. | Flat fee | Minimum fee | |
Single-family houses: include sq. ft. of attached garages and all drywalled areas of basement | $0.15 | Or | $100.00 |
Multi-family (must include attached garage) | $0.15 | Or | $100.00 |
Manufactured/modular house (double wide/sectional) | $0.11 | Or | $100.00 |
Mobile home (single wide) | $0.07 | Or | $100.00 |
Additions to existing houses | $0.15 | Or | $100.00 |
Finished basements (must pay for any drywalled areas) | $0.15 | Or | $100.00 |
Interior alterations/renovations | $0.15 | Or | $100.00 |
Garages (free-standing) | $0.15 | Or | $100.00 |
Decks/balconies (no charge if completed with house) | $100.00 | ||
Accessory buildings (no permit for structure <120 sq. ft. but zoning regulations still apply) | $0.15 | Or | $50.00 |
Pools: Above ground | $50.00 | ||
In ground | $100.00 | ||
Demolition permit | $50.00 | ||
Greenhouses | $15.00 per 5,000 sq. ft. | Or | $50.00 |
Retaining walls (over 4 feet high) and footer (2 inspections) | $100.00 | ||
Moving existing structure | $100.00 | ||
Sprinklers (residential) | $50.00 | ||
Renewing expired permits (if no activity for 180 days) | $100.00 | ||
Minimum permit fee (fees that are not set) | $50.00 | ||
Foundation only permit (non-refundable) | $100.00 | ||
Re-inspection fee | $50.00 | ||
(B) Commercial building permits.
Commercial Building Permits
| |||
Including: new buildings, tenant finish, change in occupancy classification, renovations and additions | |||
Cost per sq. ft. | Flat fee | Minimum fee | |
If building is inspected by state (state jurisdiction under KBC 104.2) | $0.06 | $100.00 | |
If building is inspected by county (local jurisdiction under KBC 104.1) | $0.10 | $100.00 | |
New construction plan review fee (county inspection only) | $100.00 |
(Prior Code, § 150.02) (Ord. 486-1, passed 12-2-1987; Ord. 520, passed 7-3-1990; Ord. 657, passed 12-6-2005; Ord. 787, passed 1-11-2024)
Penalty, see § 150.99
Appeals from decisions made by the Building Inspector under this chapter may be taken to the state’s Board of Housing, Buildings and Construction unless and/or until a local Board of Housing Appeals, as set forth in KRS Chapter 198B, is established to hear such appeals.
(Prior Code, § 150.04)
Statutory reference:
Appeals procedure, see KRS 198B.070
(A) Private swimming pools. Private swimming pools three feet or more in depth, constructed or assembled shall be regulated according to the following requirements.
(1) It shall be unlawful for any person to own, maintain, use, or permit the use of a swimming pool on his or her premises, or premises under his or her control, unless he or she has complied with all of the requirements and regulations of this section.
(2) No swimming pool shall be constructed until the owner of the real estate first applies for and procures a building permit for the construction of such a pool from the city. Any such application for a building permit shall be accompanied by detailed plans and specifications for the construction of the swimming pool, fences, walls, and gates. The city shall not issue a building permit for a pool unless it conforms in all details with the requirements of this section and any and all other ordinances in effect and applicable to such construction.
(3) Swimming pools shall be permitted to be located only to the rear of the principal permitted dwelling.
(4) Except as herein provided, no swimming pool, including the apparatus and equipment pertaining to the operation of the swimming pool shall be permitted within any required yards of the lot nor within the limits of any public utility right-of-way easement.
(5) No person, firm, or corporation shall maintain or operate a swimming pool without said pool having a fence, including self-latching gate or door. Said fence shall not be less than four feet in height and of such construction that a small child may not reach the pool from a street or adjacent property without opening a gate or scaling a wall or fence. Further, all swimming pools shall be completely enclosed by an approved closely woven fence, wall, or other enclosure so as to be reasonably impenetrable by children. Any and all gates shall have a self-closing and self-latching gate or gates, four feet in height so that the swimming pools are completely surrounded and enclosed by such fencing, wall, and gates.
(6) Fencing installed on top of the swimming pool is permitted providing the bottom of the fence is four inches or less from the top of the pool. A self-closing and self-latching gate is required. The cost of this type of fence will be added to the total cost of the swimming pool.
(7) Automatic safety covers do not replace the requirement for a fence.
(8) Glare from flood lights used to illuminate the swimming pool area for night swimming shall be directed away from adjacent properties.
(9) All swimming pools, including the apparatus and equipment pertaining to the operation of the swimming pool, shall be constructed and erected in accordance with all applicable codes, ordinances and regulations of the city. Any water used in the operation of a swimming pool, other than a public source, shall be approved by the appropriate health department.
(10) Plastic or blow-up pools that are less than three feet in depth, that do not require a fence, cannot be left with standing water over night.
(B) Disputes; appeals. Any and all disputes will be made to the Building Inspector. Any appeal regarding a dispute shall be made to the City Council.
(C) Penalty. Each violation of this section shall constitute a civil offense. If a citation of violation is not contested; the civil fine shall be $100 for the first offense, and shall be $200 for the second offense. If a citation of violation is contested the civil fine shall be $200 for the first offense and $400 for the second offense.
(Ord. 791, passed - -2024)
All houses, residences and business places in the city shall be numbered according to the plan set out in this subchapter.
(Prior Code, § 150.15) (Ord. 258, passed 4-23-1958) Penalty, see § 150.99