(A)   Council members. The salary of each Council member of the city, except the President of the Council and the Vice President of the Council, shall be $1,000 per month from and after 1-1-2023.
   (B)   President of the Council. The salary of the President of the Council of the city shall be $1,150 per month from and after 1-1-2023.
   (C)   Vice President of the Council. The salary of the Vice President of the Council of the city shall be $1,100 per month from and after 1-1-2023.
   (D)   Mayor of the Council. The salary of the Mayor of the city shall be $1,200 per month from and after 1-1-2023.
   (E)   Officers salaries. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 415.11 and acts amendatory thereto and Sec. 2.17 of the City Charter, on or before the second meeting of the City Council in May, 2019 and at least every four years thereafter, the City Council shall review the salaries of members of the City Council and of the Mayor, provided, however, that no change in any salary shall take effect until after the next succeeding municipal election.
(1992 Code, § 110:00) (Ord. 1119, passed 8-15-1995; Ord. 1512, passed 5-20-2014; Ord. 1540, passed 7-5-2015; Ord. 1577, passed 4-3-2018; Ord. 1623, passed 9-7-2021)