General Provisions
32.001 Amount of salaries
32.002 Filing fees
32.003 City Administrator; established duties
32.004 Departments enumerated
32.005 Duties of certain officers
Human Rights Commission
32.020 Creation; purpose; membership
32.021 Officers; meetings; conduct of business
32.022 Powers and duties
West Hills Commission
32.035 Establishment
32.036 Duties
32.037 Meetings and reports
Park and Recreation Board
32.050 Establishment
32.051 Appointment; term and vacancies
32.052 Officers; duties
32.053 Board; powers and duties
Planning Commission; Zoning Board of Appeals
32.065 Planning Commission continued
32.066 Comprehensive Plan
32.067 Plats
32.068 Official map
32.069 Zoning
32.070 Special projects
32.071 Zoning Board of Appeals; duties
Fire Department Civil Service Commission
32.085 Establishment and membership
32.086 Terms of office
32.087 Duties of Commission
Library Board
32.100 Establishment
32.101 Officers; duties
32.102 Board; powers and duties
(A) Council members. The salary of each Council member of the city, except the President of the Council and the Vice President of the Council, shall be $1,000 per month from and after 1-1-2023.
(B) President of the Council. The salary of the President of the Council of the city shall be $1,150 per month from and after 1-1-2023.
(C) Vice President of the Council. The salary of the Vice President of the Council of the city shall be $1,100 per month from and after 1-1-2023.
(D) Mayor of the Council. The salary of the Mayor of the city shall be $1,200 per month from and after 1-1-2023.
(E) Officers salaries. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 415.11 and acts amendatory thereto and Sec. 2.17 of the City Charter, on or before the second meeting of the City Council in May, 2019 and at least every four years thereafter, the City Council shall review the salaries of members of the City Council and of the Mayor, provided, however, that no change in any salary shall take effect until after the next succeeding municipal election.
(1992 Code, § 110:00) (Ord. 1119, passed 8-15-1995; Ord. 1512, passed 5-20-2014; Ord. 1540, passed 7-5-2015; Ord. 1577, passed 4-3-2018; Ord. 1623, passed 9-7-2021)
(A) Any voter of the city qualified under the state constitution for elective office may, by filing an affidavit and paying a filing fee of $20 to the City Clerk-Treasurer, have his or her name placed on the municipal election ballot.
(B) (1) A candidate for municipal office may file a petition in place of the filing fees specified in division (A) above.
(2) The petition shall meet the requirements specified in state statutes.
(1992 Code, § 110:05)
(A) In accordance with § 2.2 of the City Charter, there is hereby created the office of “City Administrator” of the city. The City Administrator shall be appointed by the City Council.
(B) The City Administrator shall, under direction of the Council, exercise control and supervision over all administrative affairs of the city government and, to that end, may investigate, examine or inquire into the affairs or operation of any department, division, office or other units of the city administration.
(C) The City Administrator shall issue administrative manuals, orders, rules, directives and regulations not inconsistent with the Charter, the ordinances of the city and state law, when approved by the Council. Such rules, manuals, orders, directives and regulations shall outline the general and specific procedures for the administration of the city’s activities.
(D) The City Administrator shall recommend to the Council and Mayor such measures and policies considered necessary or expedient for the best operation of the city government.
(E) The City Administrator shall keep the Council and Mayor advised of the financial condition and needs of the city and prepare and submit annually to the Council an administrative budget which shall be compiled from the various departmental budget requests pursuant to §§ 5.5 and 5.6 of the City Charter.
(F) The City Administrator may temporarily reassign personnel who can be spared from one department to another department in need of additional help.
(G) The City Administrator may assign work projects to the proper department or departments.
(H) The City Administrator shall perform such additional duties as may be assigned by the City Council or by ordinance.
(I) (1) The City Administrator shall conduct the recruitment and screening process for hiring of all department heads, except the City Attorney.
(a) The Park and Recreation Board shall designate representatives to jointly conduct the recruitment and screening process for the position of Director of Parks and Recreation.
(b) The Library Board shall designate representatives to jointly conduct the recruitment and screening process for the position of Director of Library Services.
(2) Interviews of finalists shall be conducted by the City Administrator, board representatives, where specified, and two representatives of the City Council. A final recommendation shall be presented to the City Council for approval.
(J) The City Administrator or his or her designee shall serve as the city's Responsible Authority as defined in Minn. Stat. § 13.02, Subd. 16 of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. Requests for government data shall be submitted to the City Administrator. The City Administrator may require the requesting person to pay the actual costs of searching for and retrieving government data, including the cost of employee time, and for making, certifying, and electronically transmitting the copies of the data or the data, but may not charge for separating public from not public data. However, if 100 or fewer pages of black and white, letter or legal size paper copies are requested, actual costs shall not be used, and instead, the City Administrator may charge no more than $0.25 for each page copied.
(K) Upon written request, the City Administrator or his or her designee shall certify the amounts of any municipal assessments against any parcel of real estate within the city and charge a fee in an amount established by the City Council from time to time.
(1992 Code, § 130:00) (Ord. 1074, passed 8-17-1993; Am. Ord. 1552, passed 1-3-2017; Am. Ord. 1553, passed 1-3-2017)
In order to provide for the economic, efficient and prompt discharge of the necessary administrative functions of the city, the administrative service of the city government shall be divided into operating departments as hereinafter set forth:
(A) A City Administrator who shall be the City Clerk-Treasurer;
(B) A Public Works Department which shall be directed by the Public Works Director/City Engineer;
(C) A Community Development Department which shall be directed by the Community Development Director;
(D) A Finance Department which shall be directed by the Finance Director;
(E) A Park and Recreation Department which shall be directed by the Director of Parks and Recreation;
(F) A Library Department which shall be directed by the Director of Library Services;
(G) A Fire Department which shall be directed by the Fire Chief;
(H) A Police Department which shall be directed by the Chief of Police;
(I) An Information Technology Department which shall be directed by the Information Technology Director;
(J) A Human Resource Department which shall be directed by the Human Resource Director; and
(K) A Legal Department which shall be directed by the City Attorney.
(1992 Code, § 130:03) (Am. Ord. 1544, passed 10-4-2016)