(A)   A Planning Commission is hereby continued as heretofore established to be known as the “Planning Commission of the City of Owatonna”. Said Commission shall consist of seven members, one member of which shall be appointed from each ward and two from the city at large. The Mayor shall seek candidates for each Planning Commission position. Candidates will be reviewed by a committee of the Mayor, President of the Planning Commission and City Planner, with recommendations forwarded to the City Council by May 30 for review and subsequent approval. Appointments made to fill mid-term vacancies shall be done so in an expeditious manner. Resignation from the Planning Commission shall be in writing, submitted to the Mayor who shall notify the City Council and Planning Commission of the vacancy. Each member shall be appointed for a term of three years. The members of the Planning Commission in office at this time shall hold office until April 30 of the year in which their terms expire and until their successors are appointed and qualified and the present series of staggered terms shall be continued. All department heads and other city staff members shall cooperate with the Commission and, upon request of the Commission, shall assist in every possible manner the work of the Commission. The City Planner shall act as Secretary of the Commission. The Commission shall annually elect from its members a President and a Vice-President to serve until their successors are elected and qualified. Members who have served for three full, consecutive terms shall not be eligible for reappointment.
   (B)   The Planning Commission may adopt by-laws and rules of procedures and operations consistent with city ordinance and applicable state legislation; except that, such by-laws must provide for a minimum of one regularly scheduled meeting a month. Such by-laws shall be submitted to the City Council for approval.
(1992 Code, § 260:00) (Ord. 1065, passed 8-18-1992)