50.01 Procedure when no assessment made
50.02 Possible prior assessment
Domestic and Industrial Wastewater
50.15 Purpose
50.16 Definitions
50.17 Admission of industrial wastes into the public sewers
50.18 Pretreatment of industrial wastes
50.19 Grease, oil and sand interceptors
50.20 Submission of information relating to pretreatment
50.21 Prohibited discharges; unlawful acts
50.22 Control of admissible wastes
50.23 Control chambers
50.24 Measurement of flow
50.25 Sampling of wastes
50.26 Powers and authority of enforcing agents
50.27 Protection from damage
50.28 Charges
50.29 Participation in future construction costs
50.30 Billing practice
50.31 Disconnection for late payment
50.32 Disposal of septic tank waste in sanitary sewer or storm sewer
50.33 Sewer access charge
Private Wells, Septic Tanks, Cesspools and Privies
50.45 Certain private wells prohibited
50.46 Privies and outhouses
50.47 Sewer and water connection required
50.48 Notice to owner
50.49 Toilet installation; privy removal; assessment
50.50 Outside toilets, cesspools, septic tanks, nuisances
Storm Sewer Improvement Tax District
50.65 Findings and determination
50.66 Creation and establishment
50.67 Property included
50.68 Effective date
50.99 Penalty
Where no sewer assessment has been made against property fronting on any sewer in the city or benefitted by such sewer, no permit shall be granted to connect onto any such sewer unless the person, firm or corporation seeking such permit shall pay to the city for such permit or connection an amount equal to the benefits to said property by reason of each connection, as determined by the Council, said amount to be paid in a lump sum based on current assessment rates; provided, however, that, no such assessment shall exceed the cost of ordinary street mains in front of such property so to be assessed.
(1992 Code, § 275:00)
It is also further provided that, if and when sanitary sewer is constructed or built along property heretofore assessed in accordance with the provisions of § 50.01 of this chapter, the Council, in its discretion, may allow the cost of such assessment heretofore made in accordance with § 50.01 of this chapter to be applied toward the cost of any such sanitary sewer hereafter constructed.
(1992 Code, § 275:10)
(A) The city has provided facilities for the collection and treatment of wastewater to promote the health, safety and convenience of its people and for the safeguarding of water resources common to all.
(B) Provision must be made in the design, construction and operation of such facilities to accommodate certain types and quantities of industrial wastes in excess of, and in addition to, normal domestic wastewater.
(C) It is the obligation of the producers of industrial wastes to pay the costs of extra services rendered by the city in an equitable manner.
(D) Proper protection and operation of the collection and treatment facilities may require either the exclusion, pretreatment or controlled discharge at the point of origin of certain types or quantities of industrial wastes.
(E) The infiltration or discharge of storm water into the sanitary sewer system of the city is detrimental to the health, safety, welfare and convenience of the public.
(1992 Code, § 276:00)