(A) Where required, in the opinion of the approving authority, to modify or eliminate wastes that are harmful to the structures, processes or operation of the wastewater treatment facilities, the person shall provide, at his or her expense, such preliminary treatment or processing facilities as may be determined necessary to render his or her wastes acceptable for admission to the public sewers.
(B) (1) Where discharge of such wastes to the sanitary sewer are not properly pretreated or otherwise modified, the approving authority may:
(a) Reject the wastes or terminate the service of water and/or sanitary sewer;
(b) Require control of the quantities and rates of discharge of such wastes; or
(c) Require payment of surcharges for excessive cost for treatment; provided, such wastes are amenable to treatment by the normal wastewater treatment facilities operated by the city.
(2) The amount of surcharge shall be computed as twice the actual incremental costs (above normal costs for labor, power, chemicals, equipment rental, mileage and the like) experienced by the city for handling the improperly pretreated wastewater. See §§ 50.28 and 50.29 of this chapter and Ch. 35 of this code of ordinances for method of computing normal industrial waste charges.
(1992 Code, § 276:09)
Grease, oil and sand interceptors shall be provided for the proper handling of liquid wastes containing grease in excessive amount or any flammable wastes, sand and other harmful ingredients; except that, such interceptors shall not be required for private living quarters or dwellings. All interceptors shall be of a type and capacity approved by the approving authority and shall be located as to be readily and easily accessible for easy cleaning and inspection. Grease and oil interceptors shall be constructed of impervious materials capable of withstanding abrupt and extreme changes in temperature. They shall be of substantial construction, water-tight and equipped with easily removable covers which, when bolted in place, shall be gas-tight and water-tight. All grease, oil and sand interceptors shall be maintained by the owner, at his or her expense, in continuously efficient operation at all times.
(1992 Code, § 276:12) Penalty, see § 50.99
Plans, specifications and any other pertinent information relating to proposed preliminary treatment or processing facilities shall be submitted for approval by the approving authority prior to the start of their construction, if the effluent from such facilities is to be discharged into the public sewers.
(1992 Code, § 276:15) Penalty, see § 50.99