No person shall erect, keep or maintain in the city any privy, outhouse, earth closet, cesspool or septic tank, except those constructed in accordance with the specifications of the State Board of Health, which may be constructed, erected, kept or maintained upon property which does not abut upon a street upon which there is a sanitary sewer line available to such property, provided, however, the City Engineer may, upon application thereof, issue a special permit of a temporary duration permitting a privy or outhouse constructed and equipped in accordance with specifications of the State Board of Health, to be used in connection with construction projects in the city and park and recreational activities of the city.
(1992 Code, § 278.05) Penalty, see § 50.99
The owner of every residence or business building abutting upon any street or alley in which city water and sanitary sewer mains are maintained shall install a toilet in the building and connect all sanitary facilities to the water and sewer mains upon notice hereinafter provided.
(1992 Code, § 278.10) Penalty, see § 50.99
Whenever it shall appear to the Council that the provisions of §§ 50.45 through 50.47 of this chapter are not complied with and the Council shall so direct by motion, the City Engineer shall give written notice to the owner of said premises or his or her authorized agent personally or by mail at his or her last known address to comply with this subchapter within 30 days of such notice. If the owner cannot be reached by mail so addressed, service of such notice may be made upon an occupant of said premises.
(1992 Code, § 278.15)
Whenever the notice provided for in § 50.48 of this chapter is not complied with, the Council may, in its discretion, by resolution, direct the installation of a toilet and connection with the water and sanitary sewer system, or direct the tearing down and removal of such privy, outhouse, earth closet, cesspool or septic tank, or shall direct the closing up of such private well or water supply. The cost of such installation or work shall be paid initially from the General Fund and then be charged by the Council against the property benefitted. If such charge is not paid to the Clerk-Treasurer within 30 days after a statement has been sent, the Clerk-Treasurer shall prepare an assessment roll and shall submit such assessment roll in the manner provided in Minn. Stat. § 429.101, as it may be amended from time to time.
(1992 Code, § 278.20) Penalty, see § 50.99
When a toilet connected with the city water and sanitary sewer system has been installed in any residence or business building on any parcel of land, any outside privy, outhouse, earth closet, cesspool or septic tank not conforming with requirements of this subchapter on said premises is declared a nuisance and shall be removed by the owner within 30 days after the connection to the water and sewer system has been made.
(1992 Code, § 278.25) Penalty, see § 50.99