A.   Every premises which, for the purposes of this section, may include more than one residential dwelling unit if approved by the City pursuant to a written agreement recorded with the property, is connected to the Municipal water system shall have the following:
      1.   A separate service line connecting between the lateral service line and a separate meter.
      2.   Each service line shall have a water service valve installed in accordance with the Engineering Manual. The water service valve shall be the property of the City, but the property owner shall be responsible for maintaining it in working order and keeping it accessible at all times. The City retains the right to access the water service valve in the operation of the utility system as provided by this Code. Furthermore, the City shall not be liable for any damage resulting from the need to gain access to the water service valve or to the water service valve itself if any damage should occur as a result of the operation of the utility system pursuant to this section or services provided at the request of the account owner.
   B.   No person, firm, or corporation shall hook up any water connection or meter to the City water line without first obtaining a permit therefor from the City. The initial connection and turn on operation for any water system connection shall only be performed by a City employee or authorized agent.
   C.   No person, firm, or corporation may hook up or service any water line connected to the City water system unless said person, firm or corporation is a plumber duly licensed under the laws of the State of Minnesota or the ordinances of the City.
   D.   The connection charge imposed by the City for hookup to the Municipal water system shall be as set out in section 3-1-2 of this Code.
   E.   Residential equivalent connections (RECs) will be established for nonresidential users. The number of RECs per use will be per the current version of the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Procedures Manual or will be otherwise determined by City Council decision. (Prior Code § 6-2-6)
   F.   Each property shall connect to the City water system unless excepted by a City Council decision, resolution, or unless previous approval by the City Council. Specific exceptions may be made for single-family residences with continued use of an existing well for irrigation purposes only after connection to City water. (Prior Code § 6-2-6; amd. 2018 Code)