(A) Manufactured homes.
(1) Manufactured homes shall be classified as to acceptable compatibility or similarity in appearance with site-constructed residences, as follows:
(a) Manufactured homes shall have more than 950 square feet of occupied space in the double-section or larger multi-section unit;
(b) Manufactured homes shall be placed onto a permanent foundation;
(c) Manufactured homes shall utilize a permanent perimeter enclosure in accordance with approved installation standards, as specified § 154.19;
(d) Manufactured homes shall be anchored to the ground in accordance with the One- and Two-Family Dwelling Code and manufacturer’s specifications;
(e) Manufactured homes shall have wheels, axles, and hitch mechanisms removed;
(f) Manufactured homes shall have utilities connected in accordance with the One- and Two-Family Dwelling Code and manufacturer’s specifications;
(g) Manufactured homes shall have siding material of a type customarily used on site-constructed residences (see Approved Materials List); and
(h) Manufactured homes shall have roofing material of a type customarily used on site-constructed residences (see Approved Materials List).
(2) Manufactured homes meeting the foregoing standards and characteristics are permitted in residential, general business, local business, and light industrial areas within the town.
(B) Manufactured dwellings. Manufactured dwellings are permitted in manufactured dwelling subdivisions or parks if they meet the following standards and characteristics.
(1) Manufactured dwellings shall have more than 320 square feet of occupied space in a single, double, or multi-section units.
(2) Manufactured dwellings shall be placed onto a support system in accordance with approved installation standards, as specified in § 154.19.
(3) Manufactured dwellings shall be enclosed with foundation siding/skirting in accordance with approved installation standards, as specified in § 154.19.
(4) Manufactured dwellings shall be anchored to the ground in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications or the ANSI/NFPA 501 Installation Standards.
(5) Manufactured dwellings shall have utilities connected in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications or the ANSI/NFPA 501 Installation Standards.
(Ord. 1999-4, passed 5-18-1999)
(A) Permanent perimeter enclosure. Manufactured homes designated in the zoning ordinance as requiring a permanent perimeter enclosure must be set onto an excavated area with permanent perimeter enclosure foundations, footings, and crawl space or basement walls constructed in accordance with the terms of the home and the One- and Two-Family Dwelling Code. The space between the floor joists of the home and the excavated underfloor grade shall be completely enclosed with the permanent perimeter enclosure (except for required openings).
(B) Foundation siding/skirting.
(1) All manufactured dwellings without a permanent perimeter enclosure shall have an approved foundation siding/skirting enclosing the entire perimeter of the home. Foundation siding/skirting and back-up framing shall be weather-resistant, non-combustible, or self-extinguishing materials that blend with the exterior siding of the home. Below grade level, and for a minimum distance of six inches above finish grade, the materials shall be unaffected by decay or oxidation. The siding shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations or approved equal standards.
(2) The siding shall be ventilated by openings that have a net area of not less than one and one-half square feet for each 25 linear feet of exterior perimeter. The openings shall be covered with corrosion resistant wire mesh not larger than one-half inch in any dimension. The underfloor area shall be provided with an 18-inch by 24-inch minimum size access crawl hole that shall not be blocked by pipes, ducts, or other construction interfering with the accessibility of the underfloor space, or other approved access mechanism.
(C) Support system.
(1) All manufactured home load-bearing foundations shall be installed in conformance with the regulations in the One- and Two-Family Dwelling Code and with the manufacturer’s installation specifications.
(2) All manufactured dwelling load-bearing foundations shall be installed in conformance with the regulations in the One- and Two-Family Dwelling Code and with the manufacturer’s installation specifications.
(Ord. 1999-4, passed 5-18-1999)
(A) Improvement location permit.
(1) Requirements. Prior to the location, relocation, or establishment of any manufactured home or manufactured dwellings, the property owner or authorized representative shall secure from the town an improvement location permit, which states that the building and its location conform with the County Comprehensive Zoning Plan and this subchapter. Each application for an improvement location permit shall be accompanied by:
(a) A fee of $75 to process said permit;
(b) Those plot plans as required for all dwelling units, but which at a minimum include elevations or photographs of all sides of the home, exterior dimensions, roof materials, foundation siding or permanent perimeter enclosure treatment, foundation siding or perimeter retaining wall treatment, foundation construction and materials, exterior finishes, and the like (see the Manufactured Home Data Sheet);
(c) Health Department approval for any sewage disposal or water supply, where applicable;
(d) Subdivision or mobile home park permit approval, where applicable;
(e) A copy of the approved instructions that will be used for installation purposes, where applicable;
(f) Such other information as may be required by the town or its designated administrator for proper enforcement of this subchapter; and
(g) An agreement signed by the home owner or authorized representative pledging compliance with the terms set by the Town Council in the improvement location permit.
(2) Issuance of a permit. After receipt of the information required for an improvement location permit, the Town Council shall review the standards set in this subchapter. If the applicant has met all required standards, an improvement location permit shall be issued by the town within seven working days.
(3) Additional action necessary. If, after receipt of the information required for an improvement location permit, the Town Council finds that the applicant has not fully met the standards set in this subchapter and the changes or additional actions needed are deemed by the town to be relatively minor or simple, within seven working days a conditional approval can be issued with the stated conditions which must be met prior to occupancy spelled out and the reasons for change clearly stated in writing. If the applicant agrees in writing to the further conditions, the effect being an amendment to the application to conform to the requirements, approval is given and the applicant proceeds. If the applicant does not agree, the application is denied with reasons stated in writing.
(4) Denial of permit. If any of the provisions of this subchapter are not met, the improvement location permit will be denied with a written statement specifying the reasons for the denial.
(B) Certificate of occupancy.
(1) Occupancy requirement. Prior to the occupancy of any manufactured home or manufactured dwelling, the owner or authorized representative shall secure from the Town Council a certificate of occupancy stating that the building and its use comply with all provisions of this subchapter applicable to the building or the use in the district in which it is to be located. Such certificate of occupancy shall be submitted to the town prior to occupancy.
(2) Issuance of certificate. After submission of the application for a certificate of occupancy to the town, the town shall inspect the property and make such referrals to other local officials for technical determinations for conformance with conditions of the improvement location permit and the standards set in this subchapter. If the applicant has conformed with all of the required conditions and standards, the town shall issue its certificate of occupancy within seven working days.
(3) Denial of certificate. If any of the major conditions or standards have not been complied with, the certificate of occupancy shall be denied with a written statement specifying the reasons for the denial.
(C) Failure to obtain required permits. Failure to obtain either an improvement location permit or a certificate of occupancy shall be violation of this subchapter and punishable under § 154.99.
(Ord. 1999-4, passed 5-18-1999) Penalty, see § 154.99
(A) Circumstances for permit issuance. Subject to conditions, fees, and standards otherwise required by this subchapter, a temporary use permit may be issued:
(1) To an applicant in the process of building a conventional dwelling to locate a manufactured dwelling on a building lot during the course of construction of the dwelling; such permit shall not be issued until after a building permit for the dwelling has been issued;
(2) To an applicant to use a manufactured dwelling as a caretaker’s quarters or construction office at a job site; or
(3) To an applicant whose own health or the health of another necessitates care, and where the facts show that an unnecessary hardship would occur if not permitted to locate a manufactured dwelling adjacent to the residence of one who is able to provide such care or in need of such care.
(B) Length of permit. A temporary use permit may be issued, at the discretion of the town, for a period not to exceed two years. The permit may be renewed for additional one-year periods showing of good cause and with permission to do so. However, at the discretion of the town, a temporary use permit may be issued to an applicant for a health or age related circumstance for a period coterminous with the health or age related circumstances.
(C) Permit expiration. At the time the temporary use permit expires, the manufactured dwelling and all appurtenances shall be removed from the property within 90 days.
(D) Utility requirements. Manufactured dwellings used for temporary uses shall have an approved water supply, sewage disposal system, and utility connections.
(E) Permit fee. A fee of $50 shall be charged for a temporary use permit issued by the Town Council. This fee is in addition to all other required permits/fees for utilities and sewage disposal systems.
(Ord. 1999-4, passed 5-18-1999)
(A) Any person violating any provision of this chapter for which no specific penalty is prescribed shall be subject to § 10.99 of this code of ordinances.
(B) Failure to comply with an order issued under § 154.01(D) will constitute a violation of that section and a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, the offending party shall be fined not less than $10 nor more than $100. Each day the violation continues after said notice by said officer shall constitute a separate offense.
(C) (1) Each day of non-compliance with the provisions §§ 154.15 through 154.21 constitutes a separate and distinct violation. Judgment of up to $500 per day may be entered for a violation of §§ 154.15 through 154.21. The Town Council may enforce said fine through the appropriate court or the town’s Ordinance Violations Bureau.
(2) A home or dwelling placed, located, or sited upon property after May 1999, which is in violation of §§154.15 through 154.21, shall be subject to removal from such property. However, the home owner must be given a reasonable opportunity to bring the property into compliance before action for removal can be taken. If action finally is taken by the appropriate authority to bring compliance, the expenses involved may be made a lien against the property.
(3) The Town Council may institute a suit in an appropriate court for injunctive relief to cause such violation to be prevented, abated, or removed.
(Ord. 1981-1, passed 1-20-1981; Ord. 1999-4, passed 5-18-1999)