A.   Number, Type, Size, And Height Limitations: All permanent signs subject to regulation under this Chapter are subject to the following limitations upon number, height, size, and type:
Frontage On A Public Right Of Way In Feet
Number of Signs Permitted
Type Of Signs Permitted
Maximum Sign Area for Wall Signs
Maximum Sign Area for Freestanding Signs
Maximum Height Of Signs
Less than 50
Canopy, wall, under canopy, and projecting
Maximum of 10% of square footage of building facade
Signs shall not extend above the roofline. Projected signs and under canopy signs must provide a minimum 7'6" vertical clearance from sidewalk
At least 50 but less than 100
Canopy, wall, under canopy, projecting, and freestanding
Maximum of 10 % of square footage of building facade
72 sf (both faces)
36 sf (per face)
Signs shall not extend above the roofline. Freestanding signs shall not exceed 5 feet and must be set back a minimum of 5' from any property lines. Projected signs and under canopy signs must provide a minimum 7'6" vertical clearance from sidewalk
At least 100 but less than 200
Canopy, wall, under canopy, projecting, and freestanding
Maximum of 10 % of square footage of building facade
100 sf (both faces)
50 sf (per face)
Signs shall not extend above the roofline. Freestanding signs shall not exceed 5 feet and must be set back a minimum of 5' from any property lines. Projected signs and under canopy signs must provide a minimum 7'6" vertical clearance from sidewalk
At least 200 but less than 300
Canopy, wall, under canopy, projecting, and freestanding
Maximum of 10 % of square footage of building facade
130 sf (both faces)
65 sf (per face)
Freestanding signs shall not exceed 5 feet and signs shall not extend above the roofline. Freestanding signs must be set back a minimum of 5' from any property lines. Projecte d signs and under canopy signs must provide a minimum 7'6" vertical clearanc e from sidewalk.
Greater than 300
Canopy, wall, under canopy and freestanding
Maximum of 10 % of square footage of building facade
160 sf (both faces)
80 sf (per face)
Freestanding signs shall not exceed 8 feet and signs shall not extend above the roofline. Freestanding signs must be set back a minimum of 5' from any property lines. Projected signs and under canopy signs must provide a minimum 7'6" vertical clearance from sidewalk.
   B.    Retail Or Mixed Use Centers:
      1.   One freestanding sign shall be permitted for each street frontage of each center, subject to architectural design review and permitting under sections 13-6-7 and 13-7-11 of this code. The maximum sign area permitted is one hundred sixty (160) square feet for the total of all faces, and no one face shall exceed eighty (80) square feet. The maximum height of a freestanding sign shall be eight feet (8').
      2.   A maximum of forty (40) square feet of sign area shall be permitted for each individual establishment in a center, subject to architectural design review and permitting under sections 13-6-7 and 13-7-11 of this code. No combination of signs shall exceed ten percent (10%) of the facade to which they are attached.
   C.   Other Permitted Permanent Signs:
      1.   Permanent Residential Development Signs: One sign at each entrance into the development from each abutting street is permitted, subject to architectural design review and permitting under sections 13-6-7 and 13-7-11 of this code. The sign may be a single sign with two (2) faces of equal size or may be two (2) single faced structures of equal size located on each side of the entrance. Sign faces shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area. Signs may be externally illuminated.
         a.   Development signs shall be maintained perpetually by the developer, the owner of the sign, the homeowners' association, or some other entity who is authorized in accordance with the permit.
      2.   Permanent Residential Home Based Business Signs: Home based businesses may display a limit of one sign. The sign shall be no more than six (6) square feet in size and requires a city permit. The sign will not require Architectural Design Review. The sign can be placed on the home or in the yard. If the sign is placed in the yard it must be at least one (1) foot away from sidewalks and/or the property line. The sign cannot be more than 3' high from the ground. No lighting allowed of any type. In neighborhoods with Home Owners Association Covenants and Restrictions, home based business signs may not be allowed.
   D.   Projected And Under Canopy Permanent Signs: Projected and under canopy signs are subject to architectural design review and permitting under sections 13-6-7 and 13-7-11 of this code. A projected sign or under canopy sign may encroach within, upon or over the public right of way, including any public sidewalk, provided that, such sign meets the requirements of this Chapter, the proposed sign is designed and constructed so as not to interfere with the sight distance of, or otherwise present a hazard to, motorists proceeding on or approaching on adjacent streets, alleys, driveways, or parking areas, or of pedestrians proceeding on or approaching on adjacent sidewalks or pedestrian ways, and the sign meets the provisions of section 13-7-8 of this code. (Ord. 2019-1041, 5-29-2019; amd. Ord. 2023-1103, 1-25-2023; Ord. 2023-1106, 6-14-2023)