A.   Temporary signs are allowed throughout the City, subject to the restrictions imposed herein and other relevant parts of this code. No temporary commercial or noncommercial sign shall be located on public property, or within public easements or street rights of way, except as otherwise provided in this Chapter. Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, temporary signs shall be exempt from the architectural design review requirements of section 13-6-7 of this title.
   B.   General Requirements.
      1.   No temporary signs shall be located within the center median of principal, minor, and collector arterials or within roundabouts, traffic circles, or islands, or within ten (10) feet from any intersection so as to preserve driver site visibility. No temporary signs over thirty-six (36) inches in height are permitted within fifteen feet (15') of a road or driveway.
      2.   Temporary signs shall not be illuminated.
      3.   Temporary signs shall not be attached to any utility pole, fence, building, structure, object, tree or other vegetation located upon or within any public right-of-way or publicly owned or maintained land.
      4.   Temporary signs shall not be erected without the permission of the owner of the property on which they are located, nor shall they be placed in such a manner as to obstruct or interfere with traffic or endanger the health or safety of people or endanger property.
      5.   Temporary signs shall be made of weather-resistant materials and shall be securely anchored to a weighted base or structure or able to stand freely without toppling or blowing over. Signs and parts of signs that are blown or carried away from their intended location may be collected and disposed of as litter.
      6.   Temporary signs shall be maintained in good repair.
      7.   Flutter flag signs are not a permitted type of sign.
      8.   Temporary signs on public property, other than public rights-of-way, are prohibited, except:
         a.   Two (2) temporary signs may be utilized per business/vendor for permitted special events (see section 3-2-26) or permitted vendors (see section 8-6-3) on public property, subject to a valid special event permit for the duration of the special event or valid vendor permit, provided:
            (1)   The temporary signs shall not be affixed to any structures or fixtures owned by the City; and
            (2)   The temporary signs shall not exceed a maximum height of six feet (6') from the ground.
   C.   Additional Regulations Specific To Temporary Commercial Signs.
      1.   General Commercial Signs.
         a.   No business or other party shall display more than two (2) temporary commercial signs simultaneously for no longer than thirty (30) continuous days.
         b.   No two (2) temporary signs may be closer together than thirty (30) feet.
         c.   Temporary signs may be displayed for no more than three (3) non-consecutive 30-day periods, per sign, within a calendar year.
      2.   Construction: Development projects under construction shall be permitted to place one sign on each street frontage during the period of construction. The total area of all construction signs for each project shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet. No construction signs shall be placed until the City has issued a building permit for the project and the sign has been issued a Temporary Sign Permit.
      3.   Temporary Signs Placed On Property For Sale Or Lease: Temporary signs placed on property for sale or lease are permitted, subject to the following:
         a.   Zones Permitted: Temporary signs placed on property for sale or lease shall be permitted in all zones except the public facilities, open space and recreation zones.
         b.   On-Premises: Such signs shall be limited to one sign per street frontage not to exceed six (6) square feet in sign area per side, placed wholly on the property for sale. All temporary signs placed on property for sale or lease shall be removed within five (5) days of the final sale or rental.
         c.   Off-Premises: During any time when a property for sale or lease is open for public viewing, one (1) sign per dwelling unit or property for sale or lease may be displayed:
            (1)   On private property, with the consent of the property owner; or
            (2)   In public rights-of-way, other than paved vehicular travel lanes, paved parking areas, sidewalks or pedestrian paths, driveway aprons and center medians.
      4.   Temporary signs advertising the sale of lots located within a planned development under construction shall be permitted; provided, that there shall be no more than one sign per entrance, and each sign shall be not greater than thirty two (32) square feet in area, no greater than eight feet (8') in height, and erected for no longer than a period of one year.
      5.   Sign Plan: At the time of submittal of an application for final planned development and/or plat approval, the applicant shall submit a sign plan which shall identify all proposed on-site and off-site locations, sizes, and designs for proposed temporary signs advertising the lots and/or houses. The sign plan shall also describe the applicant's responsibility for sign maintenance and removal, which shall be prepared in accordance with the terms of this Chapter. The approved sign plan shall be in force for one year unless an extension is granted by the City.
   D.   Additional Regulations Specific To Temporary Noncommercial Signs:
      1.    Temporary noncommercial signs on private property shall not exceed three (3) square feet in area.
      2.    Temporary noncommercial signs may be placed in the public right of way, subject to the following:
         a.   The sign shall not exceed three (3) square feet in area;
         b.   The sign shall not be displayed for longer than one hundred eighty (180) days per calendar year;
         c.   The sign shall be designed and constructed so as not to interfere with the sight distance of, or otherwise present a hazard to, motorists proceeding on or approaching on adjacent streets, alleys, driveways, or parking areas, or of pedestrians proceeding on or approaching on adjacent sidewalks or pedestrian-ways, as determined in the City's sole discretion; and
         d.   There shall be a minimum of thirty feet (30') between each sign pertaining to the same noncommercial topic, organization, entity or person. (Ord. 2019-1041, 5-29-2019; amd. Ord. 2021-1081, 9-8-2021)