The general purposes of the development code are:
A. Implement Comprehensive Plan: To implement the comprehensive plan in accordance with Revised Code of Washington 36.70 et seq. (planning enabling act) and 36.70A et seq. (growth management act);
B. Promote Health And Safety: To promote public health, safety, and general welfare through regulation of physical development of the city;
C. Orderly Development: To plan for future development of the city in an orderly and predictable fashion;
D. Adequate Public Facilities: To provide for adequate public facilities and services to support land development;
E. Promote Well Being: To promote social and economic well being through integration of aesthetic, environmental, and economic values;
F. Protect Property Rights: To protect property rights;
G. Protect Resources: To encourage protection of environmentally critical or historically significant resources;
H. Ensure Adequate Space: To ensure provision of adequate space for commercial, industrial, residential, and other activities necessary for public welfare;
I. Administration Of Regulations: To provide for efficient and effective administration and enforcement of the regulations;
J. Provide Light And Access: To provide adequate light, air, privacy, and convenience of access to property;
K. Elimination Of Nonconforming Uses: To provide for the gradual elimination of those uses of land, buildings and structures which do not conform to the standards of the district in which they are located and are adversely affecting the development and taxable value of property in the district. (Ord. 792, 7-29-2004)
A. Minimum Requirements: In interpreting and applying the provisions of this title, they shall be held to be minimum requirements, adopted for the promotion of the public health, safety, and general welfare. It is not intended by this title to interfere with or revoke or invalidate any easement, covenant, or other agreement between parties.
B. Greater Restrictions: When the provisions of this title impose greater restrictions than are imposed by other applicable city, Pierce County, state, and federal regulations, the provisions of this title shall control.
C. Ambiguities Or Differences: In case of any ambiguity or difference of meaning or inconsistencies between the text and any illustrations or other graphics, the text throughout this title shall control.
D. Construction Of Words: Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, words in the present tense can include the future tense, and words in the singular can include the plural, or vice versa. Except for words and terms defined in the beginning of each chapter of this title and in chapter 2 of this title, all words and terms used in this title shall have their customary meanings.
E. Shall, Should, May: The words "shall" and "should" are always mandatory and not discretionary. The word "may" is discretionary. (Ord. 792, 7-29-2004)