A.   Activities Enumerated: It shall be unlawful in any park, without first securing a permit from the city, for any person to:
      1.   Public Address System: Use a public address system or other sound amplifying device.
      2.   Advertisements: Use, place or erect any signboard, sign, billboard, bulletin board, post, pole or device of any kind for advertising in any park or to attach any notice, bill, poster, sign, wire, rod or card to any tree, shrub, railing, post or structure, or erect a structure of any kind.
      3.   Refreshment Or Merchandise Sales: Sell refreshments or merchandise or engage in any business or occupation, provided:
         a.   The business shall also obtain all other required permits, including but not limited to a business license or valid mobile food vendor license (per chapter 3-2); and
         b.   These activities may only occur:
            (1)   In the area depicted in Figure A, subject to a vendor permit issued by the City, payment of a permit fee and rental fee set by resolution of the City Council, and execution of an indemnification agreement and submission of evidence in a form acceptable to the City Administrator of liability insurance the amount of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) (combined single limits per occurrence), two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) aggregate naming the City of Orting as additional insured; or
            (2)   Subject to a special event permit (per section 3-2-26).
      4.   Peddling Or Soliciting; Entertainment: Take up any collections or to act as or apply the vocation of a solicitor, agent, peddler, beggar, strolling musician, organ grinder, exhorter, barker or showman within a park. (1973 Code § 8.28.030)
   B.   Permit Administration:
      1.   Display Permit Upon Request: Any person claiming to have a permit from the city must produce and exhibit such permit upon the request of any authorized person who may desire to inspect the same.
      2.   Cancel Permit For Cause; Notice: The city reserves the right to cancel a permittee's activity on any day that the city wishes to make use of the facility and when there is a need of the facility which transcends the need of the permittee or for cause. Such notice shall be given at least twenty four (24) hours in advance.
      3.   Clean Up Facility: All permittees must leave the facility in a condition considered satisfactory to the caretaker or his designee who will supervise cleanup activities. No group shall conduct activities causing extra custodial work unless previous agreement has been made to pay for such work.
      4.   Assembly Of Minors; Adult Supervision: At all assemblies of minors under eighteen (18) years of age, responsible adults must be present throughout the entire function. (1973 Code § 8.28.040; amd. Ord. 2021-1080, 8-11-2021)