A.   The event organizer of a farmers' or public market or other special event may apply for a special event business license. The special event business license and blanket vendor permit will, upon issuance, operate in lieu of the requirement for individual general and special business licenses for vendors operating at the farmers' or public market or special event, to the extent a business license would otherwise be required under the provisions of this chapter. The special event business license shall be of limited duration commensurate with the term of the farmers' or public market or special event for which the special event business license is issued. The fee for a special event business license shall be as set forth in section 3-2-9 of this chapter. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no vendor, not otherwise qualified to obtain a business license from the city, may engage in vending services pursuant to a special event business license.
   B.   The event organizer of the farmers' or public market or special event shall, at least five (5) business days prior to the first day of the farmers' or public market or special event, submit to the city administrator a complete list of all vendors operating under authority of the special event business license at the event. The event organizer may supplement the list prior to the first day of the special event upon the city administrator's determination of good cause for delay. The vendor list shall not be deemed complete unless it includes the following for each vendor:
      1.   The name, contact phone number, and address of the vendor operating under the special events business license and the type of business engaged in (except with regard to vendors described at subsection 3-2-6H of this chapter, vendors exempt from the business license requirements of this chapter are not required to be identified);
      2.   The name and address of the persons authorized to act, and provide vending services, on behalf of the vendor;
      3.   The department of revenue unified business identifier number issued to the vendor; and
      4.   A depiction of the approximate location of the sales area for each vendor.
   C.   Each vendor must display on site a copy of the special event license issued to the event organizer of the farmers' or public market or special event. A vendor that has not been identified on the vendor list, or supplemental vendor list, submitted to the city, and not otherwise exempt from the business license requirements, is not authorized to operate at the special event under such special event business license.
   D.   The special event business license shall not replace, and shall be in addition to, a special event permit that may be required for the special event. No nonexempt vendor may operate under a special event business license that would not otherwise be qualified to obtain a valid business license from the city.
   E.   Identification of a vendor on the vendor list does not imply compliance with applicable laws, ordinances or regulations and does not relieve the vendor from compliance at all times with all ordinances and regulations of the city and the laws and regulations of the state and other regulatory agencies, applicable to the operation of such business or which otherwise bears a direct relationship to the conduct of the business licensed, including, but not limited to, compliance with the Tacoma-Pierce County health department regulations.
(Ord. 939, 4-30-2014; amd. Ord. 2024-1124, 3-27-2024)