General Provisions
73.01 Parking prohibited in specified places
73.02 Delivery or pick-up; posted load limit
73.03 Parking prohibited during snow removal or street cleaning operations
73.04 Direction of parking
73.05 Sale of motor vehicles on private property
Parking at Commercial Centers
73.15 Definitions
73.16 Submission of development layout plan for center parking area
73.17 Fire lanes designated
73.18 Parking areas to be properly marked
73.19 Paint markings to be maintained
73.20 Posting appropriate traffic signs
73.21 Parking prohibited in specified places; handicapped parking spaces
73.22 Approval of development layout plans
73.23 Conflicting provisions
Administrative Adjudication
73.30 Purpose
73.31 Administrative composition
73.32 Procedure
73.33 Administrative hearings
73.34 Additional notices
73.35 Final determination of liability
73.36 Administrative review
73.37 Non-resident procedures
73.38 Schedule of fines/penalties
73.39 Certified report and contesting certified report
73.40 Immobilization/towing and impoundment
73.41 Judicial review
73.42 Debt to municipality
73.43 Judgement
73.99 Penalty
No parking is permitted:
(A) On the pavement while more than two feet away from the curb or edge of the pavement;
(B) In the area between the curb and sidewalk, whether on a driveway or not;
(C) Within 20 feet of any traffic-control sign or signal;
(D) Within 20 feet of any intersection or crosswalk;
(E) Across the sidewalk so as to block the pedestrian traffic;
(F) Within three feet of the entrance to any driveway;
(G) Which will disrupt the normal flow of vehicle or pedestrian traffic, or which will create a safety hazard;
(H) Within 15 feet of any fire hydrant; and
(I) On any unpaved residential property. Suitable paved sections for parking on residential property shall be asphalt or concrete as specified in §§ 150.161 through 150.171 and Chapter 156, Appendix C.
(J) On 88th Avenue by any motor vehicle within an excess gross weight of 8,000 pounds.
(Ord. 86-14, passed 11-12-86; Am. Ord. 87-01, passed 1-28-87; Am. Ord. 90-13, passed 3-14-90; Am. 91-02, passed 2-13-91; Am. Ord. 2022-007, passed 5-4-22) Penalty, see § 73.99
Except for purposes of direct delivery or pick-up, no vehicle which exceeds the posted load limit may be parked in the village.
(Ord. 86-14, passed 11-12-86; Am. Ord. 90-13, passed 3-14-90; Am. 91-02, passed 2-13-91) Penalty, see § 73.99
Parking on any street is not permitted under the following conditions:
(A) When a snowfall has accumulated to a depth of one inch or more, until snow removal operations are completed; or
(B) During street sweeping operations, provided that notice is posted 24 hours prior to the commencement of such cleaning.
(Ord. 86-14, passed 11-12-86; Am. Ord. 90-13, passed 3-14-90; Am. 91-02, passed 2-13-91) Penalty, see § 73.99
Any vehicle parked must face as follows:
(A) A vehicle parked on the north side of a street must face west;
(B) A vehicle parked on the south side of a street must face east except O'Brien Drive;
(C) A vehicle parked on the west side of a street must face south; and
(D) A vehicle parked on the east side of a street must face north, except O'Brien Drive.
(Ord. 86-14, passed 11-12-86; Am. Ord. 90-13, passed 3-14-90; Am. 91-02, passed 2-13-91) Penalty, see § 73.99
(A) It shall be illegal to display a motor vehicle for sale on the streets of the village, except in accordance with the provisions of this section.
(B) Any motor vehicle parked on a public street and displaying any type of sign advertising the motor vehicle for sale must be parked within 50 feet of the residence of the registered owner of the motor vehicle.
(C) No motor vehicle parked on a public street and offered for sale by the registered owner or his agent may display any type of sign advertising the motor vehicle for sale for more than seven consecutive days, at the end of which all such advertising signs shall be removed from the vehicle for seven consecutive days.
(Ord. 2000-03, passed 1-5-00)
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
COMMERCIAL CENTER. A building or group of buildings with retail, religious, or office uses which share a common parking lot and having a total roof area of in excess of 2500 square feet.
FIRE LANE. An emergency access lane not less than 12 feet wide and available for use by emergency vehicles including, but not limited to, fire trucks, ambulances, police vehicles, and ESDA vehicles.
PARKING AREA. The area or areas of land near or contiguous to the commercial center, including interior private roadways and drives used by the public as the means of access to and egress from the business establishments within the commercial center and that portion of the commercial center designated for the parking of vehicles.
(Ord. 92-33, passed 9-9-92)
The manager, managing agent or managing agency of every commercial center, which has not previously done so, shall within 60 days of the effective date hereof, submit an “as is” development layout plan of the parking area of said center showing the parking lot configuration, traffic aisles, parking spaces, handicapped parking spaces and fire lanes, directions for traffic movement within the area, ingress and egress into and out of the parking area and onto public streets, and location of any handicapped parking signs, stop signs, yield signs, and no parking signs. The village shall have the right to obtain existing conditions stipulated herein at the owners expense if no drawings are submitted to the village within said time period.
(Ord. 92-33, passed 9-9-92)