A. Secondhand Dealer:
1. It is unlawful for any secondhand dealer to fail to keep a substantial and well bound book in which he shall enter at the time of purchase, in the English language:
a. A true and accurate description of every article purchased by him;
b. An accurate description of the vendor, to include: name, age, address, height, weight and color of hair and eyes;
c. The amount paid;
d. The date and hour of purchase.
2. All entries shall be made with ink in a legible manner, and no erasures shall be submitted therein. All records of secondhand dealers shall be open to the inspection of any peace officer or other "authorized officer" as defined in section 5-1A-1 of this title at any time.
B. Junk Dealers:
1. It is unlawful for any junk dealer to fail to keep a permanent record in which he shall enter at the time of purchase, in the English language:
a. A true and accurate listing of the weight and metallic description of metal purchased by him. If the purchase involves other material, then a description by weight and description by class of the purchased material, e.g., glass or paper;
b. An accurate description of the vendor, to include name, age, address, height, weight, color of hair and eyes;
c. The amount paid;
d. The date and hour of purchase.
2. All entries shall be made with ink in a legible manner, and no erasures shall be permitted therein. All records of junk dealers shall be open to the inspection of any peace officer or other authorized officer during business hours.
(Ord. 2011-51, 10-25-2011)
A. Secondhand Dealer: Every secondhand dealer shall make a daily record available to the chief of police of all articles received, sold or pledged, on the day following such transactions.
B. Junk Dealer: Every junk dealer shall make a daily report available to the chief of police of all purchases and sales on the day following such transactions.
(1979 Code §§ 5.52.040, 5.52.050)
A. Time Limit For Sale Of Secondhand Goods: It is unlawful for any person or persons engaged in conducting a secondhand business in the city to sell or otherwise dispose of any jewelry, boots and shoes, or any wearing apparel of any kind, or secondhand goods, wares, musical instruments, curiosities or other merchandise, the purchase of which must be reported under this chapter, for a period of at least two (2) weeks after the same have been purchased, without the written consent or permission of the chief of police.
B. Dealing With Minors: It is unlawful for any secondhand or junk dealer by himself, his agent or servant to purchase or receive any personal property of or from any minor under the age of eighteen (18) years without the written consent of his guardians or parents.
(1979 Code §§ 5.52.060, 5.52.070)
As used in this article, the following terms mean:
COIN: A piece of currency, usually metallic and usually in the shape of a disc that is:
A. Stamped metal, and issued by a government as monetary currency; or
B. Is worth more than its current value as currency and is also worth more than its metal content value.
COIN DEALER: Any person whose sole business activity is the selling and purchasing of coins and commercial grade precious metals.
COMMERCIAL GRADE PRECIOUS METALS: Ingots, monetized bullion, art bars, medallions, medals, tokens, and currency that are marked by the refiner or fabricator indicating their fineness and include:
A. .99 fine or finer ingots of gold, silver, platinum, palladium, or other precious metals; or
B. .925 fine sterling silver ingots, art bars, and medallions.
PRECIOUS METAL PURCHASER: Any person engaged in purchasing precious metals, including scrap jewelry, from the general public, whether or not the metal is part of a finished product or in pure form; except that a precious metal purchaser may not purchase coins or commercial grade precious metals. Pawnbrokers and persons whose principal business includes the sale of the same types of forms of precious metal that the person buys, such as jewelers or coin dealers, are not precious metal purchasers.
SCRAP JEWELRY: Any item purchased primarily for its gold, silver, or platinum content and for the purpose of reuse or resale of the metal content.
(Ord. 2012-6, 1-24-2012)